Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) provide country-specific guidance on what constitutes a healthy diet.
Other content with the tag "Behaviour change".

Dramatic changes in daily life are leading to increased rates of obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCD) in Kenya, including among children.

In 2014, the National Ministry of Health of Indonesia requested GAIN to support the district governments of Malang and Sidoarjo in East Java Provin

Though this paper has restricted access, it offers an innovative and effective methodology to improve the level

This book from the World Bank presents the landscape of food safety, particularly in low and middle incom

Nutrition labels have become the norm for packaged foods in many countries, and can help consumers make informed food choices in terms of personal

New study in the Lancet calculates historical and future availability of fruit and vegetables compared to the amount recommended by the World Healt
EAT and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), together with Food Reform for Sustainability and Health (FReSH) convened a

Priobiotics have become one of the most popular nutritional supplements in recent years. This mini review paper shows that this is in part caused b

This is an uplifting evidence-based assessment of what it takes to successfully campaign against corporate power.
This paper assesses how employee nutrition impacts on productivity, absenteeism, and healthcare costs.
This article looks at whether nutrition information on packaging affects online sales.
The amount of food people consume away from home is rising in the U.S.

"Culture overwhelms some of our best programmatic work in nutrition and health, and we fail to appreciate the power of business an

This short animated video from NutriFish1000 sets out the nutritional benefits of eating small fish in Bangladesh.

The readymade garment (RMG) industry significantly contributes to B
Sight and Life, DSM, and John Hopkin’s Bloomberg School of Public Health have come together to publish lessons from a four decade partnership.

This brief from the US Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) brings together learnings from two studies they conducted with support from the Roc
This blog, by Alex Rees, asks some difficult questions – namely, do agricultural investments in Africa come anywhere close to the recommendations l

This collection of news stories highlights some of the biggest challenges facing our food systems, and how policy and innovation can come together
FReSH’s True Cost of Food Discussion Paper identifies the methodological and data gaps that need to be filled to make true cost accounting (TCA) mo
Peer review article in Hidden Hunger: Malnutrition and the First 1,000 Days of Life: Causes, Consequences and Solutions.

The Safe Food Imperative argues that much of the health and economic burden of unsafe food can be avoided through preventive measures, investments,

This review gives an overview of food-based dietary guidelines by region and date, alongside looking at key messages about certain produce.

Partnership between Ipsos – a social market and research company, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
FoodSwitch is an example of innovation that is empowering consumers to make smarter nutrition decisions.
Multinationals have the power to change people’s relationship with food – as this short opinion piece demonstrates.
Partnership between Unilever, DSM, Gain, Mondelez, U.N.

The cost of a nutritious meal is not fixed and it can be heavily dependent upon the season.

Many mothers experience barriers to maintaining a breastfeeding relationship with their infants after returning to work.
Impact of increasing the proportion of healthier foods available on energy purchased in worksite cafeterias: A stepped wedge randomized

An evaluation of 21 systematic reviews looking at the effect of workplace dietary interventions on health outcomes.

Chapter 6 of this report from PATH and MQSUN+ focuses on the role that businesses play in
This resource from the Food and Drink Federation is a compilation of case studies looking at the employee health practices of leading food and drin
LifeDojo is an online forum dedicated to employee health.

Chapter four of the Global Nutrition Report looks at diets as both a cause and a solution to malnutrition.

While this review does not specifically focus on public private engagement, or on nutrition, it has important implications for everyone working on

Mwanzo Bora was a five-year nutrition programme in Tanzania implemented by Africa care and BBC Media Action with the support of USAID.

This article from SUN Business Network emphasises that to improve nutrition, especially for the most vulnerable, greater understanding of low-incom
Comment piece by Lawrence Haddad looking at incentives for business to address the global nutrition challenge.
This short video shows the successes of public private collaboration in South Africa.
Nearly half of India’s population suffer from micronutrient deficiency.

In 2012, Convergence Center for Policy Resolution embarked on an innovative approach to addressing America's obesity epidemic and other nutrition-r

In this video, watch the forum discussion with Harvard professor and lead author of the EAT Lancet commission on healthy diets, restauranteur, and

Leading experts and co-chairs of the EAT-Lancet Commission, Prof Walter Willett and Prof.

Working paper by the World Resources Institute focuses on three changes to consumption patterns that can ensure a sustainable food system.

Between now and 2050, changes in global population and income levels will have huge implications for the global food system.
Academic article from 2014 looking at effective workforce health promotion strategies.
Companion document to the United States National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Food Service Guidelines in Public Servi
The United States National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion have drafted guidelines for public food services aimed at gov
Peer review article in The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics looking at the frequency of workforce consumption and the nutritional

Each year, the Global Nutrition Report provides a snapshot of the state of malnutrition.

This 2019 Lancet Commission Report looks at systemic causes for the triple problems of obesity, undernutrition, and climate change.

This landmark paper does not only make recommendations, it shows what can be done with the global resources we have and are likely to have in the f

The Access to Nutrition Index is published by the Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI)

A highly recommended resource on consumer demand from the perspective of public private engagement.

Base of the pyramid typically refers to the largest and poorest socio-economic grouping, and it is estimated that people in this ‘category’ spend u

Improving diets in an era of food market transformation: Challenges and opportunities for engagement between the public and private sectors
Paper by Sight and Life puts forward a framework for public private engagement in nutrition.

This report, compiled for the European Competitiveness and Sustainable Industrial Policy Consortium, gives a detailed look into the impact of food
In the U.K.’s Budget 2016 a soft drink industry levy was announced to reduce consumption of sugary soft drinks.

The Harvard Kennedy School Corporate Responsibility Initiative looks at what is needed to boost investment in value chains, especially from small a

Policy brief by the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition looking at the evidence for gov
The Food Climate Research Network calls for a more equitable balance of power within the food system.
A helpful review of Options for keeping the food system within environmental limits
‘It is through core business that truly transformative impact will happen,’ says John Fallon, Chief Exec, Pearson.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans set the country’s nutrition policy and help direct over $80 billion federal spending.
Discussion paper by the Food Climate Network addressing the relationship between food and environmental sustainability.
This report from FAO and the Food Climate Research Network looks at national dietary guidelines as a practical intervention to improve nutrition an
In this policy brief, the Global Panel makes the case that healthy diets are a foundation underpinning positive progress towards the Sustainable De
This report summarizes the findings of a workshop for representatives of the Tanzanian government, development partners, civil society, and private

Industry leaders look at how consumer choices are driven by health, wellness, and sustainability.
Health gossip is rife in Indonesia.
This up-to-date market analysis focuses only on answering the most important questions that all companies face.
Presentation for the Wellcome Trust looking at the role of policy on public food choices.
Given that sugary drinks are endemic and that obesity is on the rise, many drinks manufacturers have launched social responsibility campaigns.
As a systematic and rigorous analysis, this Lancet paper provides perspective on the issue of consumer demand creation by systematically reviewing

This brief from the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition calls on both public and priva
A look into how business models can be reshaped to respond to changing consumer preferences.
A technical briefing for anyone working on behavior change initiatives at scale.
Lawrence Haddad, Executive Director at GAIN and winner of the World Food Prize 2018 calls for a revolution in the way we create demand for nutritio
This is a detailed overview of why people did not take up fortified complementary foods in Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, India, Bangladesh, and Vietnam.

Evidence from the Transform Nutrition Research consortium led by the International Food Policy Research Institute focusing on how to transform the
It is far too easy to read expiration dates and food labels and err on the side of caution.
The Consumer Goods Forum seeks to secure consumer trust and drive positive change by bringing together over 400 consumer goods re

Alive & Thrive is an initiative that aims to improve infant and young child feeding practices by increasing rates of exclusiv

This paper reviews 41 workforce nutrition interventions published between 1995 and 2006 in the South African Journal of Clinical

Blueprint for Business Action on Health Literacy supports the Europe 2020 strategy and the renewed EU strategy for Corporate Soci

This book by the International Labour Organisation asks important questions about food at work, including: employment conditions, wages
This short report gives an overview of rice fortification literature indexed in PubMed, including examples of successful public private engagement
The Micronutrient Forum is a convener of academics, policy makers, and program implementers.
This book examines food fortification in all its forms.

A concise account of lessons learned on salt and iron iodization by world renowned economists, as part of the costs benefit analysis on leading dev

This blog by Brian Lipinski at the World Resources Institutes draws attention to a new international day: 28 April - Stop Food Waste Day.

For a compilation of statistics and infographics on global food loss and waste look no further!

Recommendations from the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems are targeted at policy makers in low- and middle-income countries

The global food fortification ingredients market was valued at US$ 30.50 Bn in 2016, and is expected to reach US$ 100.84 Bn by 2025.
A brief ‘how to’ of daily habits that can help consumers reduce food loss and waste.

The Food Waste Atlas tracks the world’s food loss and waste across the entire food system.

This is the third annual progress report on behalf of Champions 12.3, a coalition of executives from governments, businesses, international organiz