Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) has been commissioned to benchmark the world’s 25 largest food and beverage (F&B) companies’ lobbying-rel
Other content with the tag "MNCs - multinational corporations".

This peer-review article in BMJ Nutrition Prevent & Health highlights an important area where public and private sectors need to align: brand a

This report from Bite Back 2030, in partnership with Livity and Action on Sugar, takes a look at how health claims on food products (which are ofte

This blog from the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) highlights some of the key elements of the forthcoming Food and Agriculture Benchmark, a ranki

On Tuesday, 20 July 2021, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the

The Consumer Good Forum (CGF)'s Collaboration for Healthier Lives (CHL) Coalition works to drive collaborative actions through local initiatives to

Acknowledging the critical role of private sector in nutrition - as the almost entire supplier of food worldwide – the Global Alliance for Improved

Third ATNI COVID-19 report highlights corporate responses to the pandemic in India, Mexico and Nigeria.

In response to questions from Unicef country offices, this guidance note was prepared to give advice on accepting financial contributions or contri

In this video, a single mother living in South London tells us about her struggles to find fresh, affordable and healthy food.

This document sets out the results of an assessment by ATNI of 39 of the world’s major food manufacturers, which have been includ

When asked in a poll, more Americans said that figuring out what to eat was harder than doing their own taxes.

This Forbes article follows a healthy meal delivery service in the US designed around the concept of ‘intentional eating.’ Intentional

The Compass’ is Unilever's corporate strategy, driven by three ambitions, based on the input of 40,000 employees and external sta

Microalgae might be the first thing that comes to mind when considering nutrition but it offers an impressive range of minerals,

In 2018, the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement launched a pitch competition to showcase investment opportunities for small and medium enter

This video from Unilever shows the rationale for creating a segregated supply of certified palm oil.

This report provides valuable insights on how to make supply chains agile, light, and better connected.

The theme of the 2020 report from the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) is Nutrition in a digital world. The articles, research a

This report by Chatham House, and commissioned by Power of Nutrition, looks into "the hidden costs of malnutrition for business, and the extent to

These manuals have been prepared for those interested in producing and supplying complementary foods.

This paper considers whether Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) focused on improving diets and nutrition can simultaneously advance public health n

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), Eat Well Global and the SUN Business Network have developed a Nutrition at Work handbook to supp

This report on "Emerging Trends and Analysis of the SDG Impact of Companies in the S&P 500®" looks at how companies are spending and reporting

On 11th February 2020, The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), the Global Alliance for Improved Nutr

The World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) was established to drive wider and deeper participation from the private sector in the global efforts towards

The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) is a network of experts committed to reducing food safety risks, minimising duplication and costs and buil

The Global Access to Nutrition Index focusses on the role that food and beverage manufacturers play in making healthy food affordable and accessibl

A new survey from McKinsey finds that "executives and investment professionals largely agree that environmental, social, and governance programs cr

This report looks at the top 10 global trends that are shaping how companies are perceived, and priorities for reputation management.

This report from Stichting Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and UN Global Compact and PRI provides perspectives and recommendations on the key par

This report outlines opportunities for creating shared value for each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with supporting examples.

The Food and Agriculture Business (FAB) Principles are the outcome of a broad and inclusive multi-stakeholder process comprising over 20 consultati

This is Chapter 8 from the 2015 Global Nutrition Report - Actions and accountability to advance nutrition and sustainable development.

This study looks at research around the implementation of a nutrition programme in a garment factory in Bangladesh.

This report highlights progress made towards achieving SDG Target 12.3: “By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer

This paper covers the factors relating to public and private sector commitment to food fortification and crop b

Estimating the cost of a basic but decent lifestyle for workers and families
The Global Living Wage Coalition (GLWC) was formed by Fairtr

The 44th edition of the UNSCN Nutrition - Food environments: Where people meet the food system - looks at how food environments influence
The Partnerships Resource Centre (PrC) conducts research projects to facilitate further knowledge accumulation and learning in the area of sustaina
There are relatively few peer review articles looking at risk assessment for entrepreneurs in the healthy food industry.
This paper provides a business case for investing in India.
EAT and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), together with Food Reform for Sustainability and Health (FReSH) convened a
Restricted access article looking at how innovation is essential to meeting the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.

This is an uplifting evidence-based assessment of what it takes to successfully campaign against corporate power.
This article looks at whether nutrition information on packaging affects online sales.
The amount of food people consume away from home is rising in the U.S.

In 2018, FReSH hosted Science to Solutions Dialogues (SSD) between

IGD and FIA conducted this study to explore the consumer attitudes towards healthier product reformulation, the progress within the industry and th

In this thought piece from the Agrobiodiversity Index report 2019: Risk and resilience, the authors give examples of policies, financing mechanisms

This report provides an approach for collaborative policymaking and governance improvement for sustainable food systems.

The readymade garment (RMG) industry significantly contributes to B

The International Agri-Food Network brings together thousands of international companies and national associations under the umbrella of fourteen i
Ever wondered what it’s like for the people growing your chocolate? Ever thought that they may be children?
The Center for Strategic and International studies have looked at the impact of Feed the Future Investments in Guatemala.
The Center for Strategic and International studies have looked at the impact of Feed the Future Investments in Bangladesh.
The Center for Strategic and International studies have looked at the impact of Feed the Future Investments in Tanzania.
Partnerships for Forests provides financial and technical assistant to help partners do business differently when it comes to land use and preventi

This collection of news stories highlights some of the biggest challenges facing our food systems, and how policy and innovation can come together
FReSH’s True Cost of Food Discussion Paper identifies the methodological and data gaps that need to be filled to make true cost accounting (TCA) mo
This public private partnership in Nigeria demonstrates what can be done to improve crop safety and reduce the non beneficial impacts of toxic crop
Results of a day-long meeting between food industry scientists, food, nutrition, and health related scientific societies and various U.S.

The Committee on World Food Security is a collaboration of international agencies, civil society, and the private sector focusing on policy issues
Public information on Pepsico's agricultural commodities. For more information on Pepsico’s core business and reporting standards go to our Advanci
Multinationals have the power to change people’s relationship with food – as this short opinion piece demonstrates.
Partnership between Unilever, DSM, Gain, Mondelez, U.N.

Expanding and replicating successful nutrition programmes can be challenging – innovation hugely depends on the types of partners and the roles of

Restricted access article focusing on the value of networks and collaborations for business in bottom of the pyramid markets.

Many mothers experience barriers to maintaining a breastfeeding relationship with their infants after returning to work.

Chapter 6 of this report from PATH and MQSUN+ focuses on the role that businesses play in
This resource from the Food and Drink Federation is a compilation of case studies looking at the employee health practices of leading food and drin

This report was written with four groups of key stakeholders in mind: national and regional food and beverage companies, multinational food and bev
This report by the International Food Policy Research Institute has reviewed factors responsible for the growth of fertiliser use and maize product

This study of agricultural PPPs in Ghana, Malawi, and Kenya calls for governments, donors, and companies to ensure greater participation from small

This article from SUN Business Network emphasises that to improve nutrition, especially for the most vulnerable, greater understanding of low-incom

For businesses looking to drive positive change, this blog sets out four simple and actionable suggestions:

Podcast by Bond looking at the varied roles of private sector finance and private sector led development in reaching the sustainable development go
Comment piece by Lawrence Haddad looking at incentives for business to address the global nutrition challenge.
Food Fortification in a Globalised World is based on 50 years’ experience across public and private sectors.
Address by Nigeria’s Scaling Up Nutrition Focal point at Nigeria’s Future Fortified event in 2016.

This is a great podcast from The Doctor's Farmacy that touches on a lot of important aspects of public private engagement for nutrition. Host Dr.

Case studies embedded in local political economy, covering: dairy value chains in Afghanistan, milk value chains in Bangladesh, flour fortification
Briefing by the OECD looking at the rise of African food companies entering global markets, with a case study on Dangote Sugar Refinery in Nigeria.

Working paper by the World Resources Institute focuses on three changes to consumption patterns that can ensure a sustainable food system.

Between now and 2050, changes in global population and income levels will have huge implications for the global food system.

The Access to Nutrition Index is published by the Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI)

This is the full report from the 2015 Future Fortified Global Summit on Food Fortification - the first ever Global Summit dedicated to large scale

A highly recommended resource on consumer demand from the perspective of public private engagement.
Briefing by ActionAid revealing that one in every two dollars of large corporate investment in developing countries is being routed from or a via a
Recent Guardian article by world-renowned economist and Nobel laureate, Joseph Stiglitz explores the truth about tax evasion.

The Harvard Kennedy School Corporate Responsibility Initiative looks at what is needed to boost investment in value chains, especially from small a
Honest and provocative report by the Civil Society Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
‘It is through core business that truly transformative impact will happen,’ says John Fallon, Chief Exec, Pearson.
Working paper by Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) looking at how corporate social responsibility and supply agree
Unilever is driving change within the palm oil industry with a focus on more efficient land use and forest protection.
Mars have produced a position statement on their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.
Unilever’s Paul Polman is a Champion 12.3 – part of a global coalition to accelerate action to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 to half
This report by the European Union addresses challenges of implementing country cooperation frameworks that fall under the auspices of the New Allia

Public-Private Partnership Lab: Food and Water is a four-year action research and joint learning initiative to explore the effectiveness of PPPs.

This briefing addresses the distinct roles that each partner can play in promoting nutrition under the Comprehensive African Agricultural Developme
This 2015 report by the Asian Development Bank does not directly look at global food supply chains but has valuable and wide-reaching lessons.

Covers a checklist for formal public private partnerships spanning: rationale, design, implementation, sustainability, and the roles for brokers at
This up-to-date market analysis focuses only on answering the most important questions that all companies face.

This brief from the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition calls on both public and priva
The Access to Nutrition Index has produced a 2018 scorecard for Campbell Soup company.
Principles guiding Unilever’s food and beverage marketing communications, including a promise not to direct any marketing communications to childre
SCN NEWS is published twice a year by the United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition.
Academic paper by John Hoddinot et al looking at the different models of engagements for public-private partnerships.
It is far too easy to read expiration dates and food labels and err on the side of caution.
This global mapping has two main sections: An analysis of the overall global status and results of large-scale food fortification and biofortificat

This snapshot reports sets out the work of GAIN’s partners to employ food fortification as one way to improve

A concise account of lessons learned on salt and iron iodization by world renowned economists, as part of the costs benefit analysis on leading dev

This paper looks at three pillars through which the private sector may directly or indir

Being able to track and measure the impact of business on food and diets is key to ensuring that businesses make positive contributions

What happens if you put tech-savvy entrepreneurs on a mission to stop food loss and waste with artificial intelligence?

This blog by Brian Lipinski at the World Resources Institutes draws attention to a new international day: 28 April - Stop Food Waste Day.

This briefing by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) gives an overview of The Save Food Initiative, launched in 2011.
This document summarises the important features of the Food Loss and Waste Accounting and Reporting Standard, including the rationale, steps that s
This report looks at supply chain waste based on Feedback's research on export supply chains in Peru, Senegal, South Africa, the UK and a major Eur
Tesco CEO, and chair of Champions 12.3, Dave Lewis, discusses what a target can do to help food waste in this special blog for The Grocer.

This is the third annual progress report on behalf of Champions 12.3, a coalition of executives from governments, businesses, international organiz
"An innovation evolution is needed to maximize the future impact of food fortification," says Dipika Matthias, Senior Program Manager at the Gates