Healthier product reformulation in Singapore: Detailed industry findings

IGD and Food Industry Asia (FIA)
Resource type:
Reports and discussion papers

IGD and FIA conducted this study to explore the consumer attitudes towards healthier product reformulation, the progress within the industry and the areas for support businesses are seeking to further their efforts. Though the study was limited to Singapore, and had a limited sample size, the findings suggest that consumers want healthy food options, and companies want to meet that demand. To do so, however, will require supportive policies and incentives.

Some encouraging findings from the study include:

  • 92% of respondents said they would be encouraged to carry out additional R&D if there were additional incentives from government.
  • Only 4% felt there was no need for companies to change their products because diet is just a matter of consumer choice.
  • The top three drivers for action include improving public health, meeting consumer demand and building brand reputation.
  • Companies, especially small ones, said this work would have been impossible to do the R&D without government support.

When asked how to accelerate progress:

  • 83% of respondents said more awareness of public health priorities
  • 73% of respondents said more awareness of nutrition targets/ standards
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