Public and private plant breeders, crucial users of plant genetic resources conserved in global genebanks, play a significant role in enhancing foo
Other content with the tag "PPPs - public private partnerships".
Diets deficient in fibre are reported globally.

Increasingly, multi-stakeholder processes have been recognized as being necessary to the development of public policies seeking to promote systemic

Childhood obesity is determined by a constellation of factors ranging from macro-social, economic, and health policies all the way down to private

Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) has been commissioned to benchmark the world’s 25 largest food and beverage (F&B) companies’ lobbying-rel

In his book Doing Well by Doing Good, Derek Tribe made the case for investing in agricultural research in our developing country neighbours.

The Global Nutrition and Health Atlas—a public resource with diet-related health information for more t

It is estimated that approximately 70% of children in India, between the ages of 6 months and 59 months are anemic.

Driven to Waste: Global Food Loss on Farms, a report from WWF and Tesco, reveals an estimated 2.5 billion tonnes of food goes unea

It’s a dire statistic: 33 to 40 percent of the world’s food is lost or wasted every year.

Urban public food procurement can address malnutrition and improve the beneficiary experience at public institutions whilst reshaping food systems

The WHO Secretariat has prepared a draft WHO Global Strategy (Released on 21 April 2022) for Food Safety with the advice of the Technical Advisory

The Commercialisation of Biofortified Crops Team in India is developing monthly newsletters to create awareness on the developmen

PAHAL (Partnerships for Affordable Healthcare Access and Longevity) is USAID and IPE’s flagship innovative financing platform to promote health fin

The Commercialisation of Biofortified Crops Team in India is developing monthly newsletters to create awareness on the developmen

This report evaluates two GAIN Nordic Partnership projects, one in Ethiopia and one in Zambia.

The Commercialisation of Biofortified Crops Team in India is developing monthly newsletters to create awareness on the developmen

The Feed the Future’s Innovation Lab for Food Safety (Food Safety Innovation Lab) leverages extensive experienc

The Feed the Future’s Innovation Lab for Food Safety (Food Safety Innovation Lab) leverages extensive experienc

Feed the Future’s Business Drivers for Food Safety (BD4FS) is a Food Enterprise Solutions (FES) project funded

This peer review article from 2013 looks at the potential for public private partnerships (PPPs) to benefit foo

With increasing public pressure on government agencies to be more prescriptive and proactive in their regulatio

The findings in this peer-reviewed journal article are based on a literature review and 30 semi-structured interviews with individuals involved in

This article explores potential conflict of interest that may arise when the private sector funds university research.

This study is the result of a landscape analysis undertaken by Action Against Hunger UK for the Global Al

Endeva created this comprehensive guide to inform NGOs and businesses of the opportunity within Inclusive Business (IB) models to create sustainabl

The Farmlink Project is a college student led nonprofit that recovers excess farmer produce and delivers it to communities in need.

Groups like the Borderlands Produce Rescue are recovering left over produce from private farms and distributing fresh, nutritious produce to commun

This is the fifth annual SDG 12.3 progress report to track and report on global progress towards achieving SDG 12.3 - to halve global food waste at

This paper considers whether Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) focused on improving diets and nutrition can simultaneously advance public health n

This report examines the importance of fruits and vegetables in combating malnutrition.

"We as communities, parents, governments, food corporations, marketers and global citizens have a collective responsibility to put childre

The Sustainable Food Platform is part of P4G - Partnering for Green

This paper covers the factors relating to public and private sector commitment to food fortification and crop b
The Partnerships Resource Centre (PrC) conducts research projects to facilitate further knowledge accumulation and learning in the area of sustaina
This paper by IDH – Sustainable Trade Initiative gives extensive evidence on how to deliver models that provide service delivery to smallholder far
EAT and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), together with Food Reform for Sustainability and Health (FReSH) convened a
People’s perception of their ability to meet their needs and the level of autonomy they feel they can exert over their own lives directly correlate
Restricted access article looking at what it takes to scale piloted development projects and solutions.
Restricted access article looking at how innovation is essential to meeting the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition’s Marketplace for Nutritious Foods program sparks private sector production and marketing of nutritious
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition’s Marketplace for Nutritious Foods program sparks private sector production and marketing of nutritious
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition’s Marketplace for Nutritious Foods program sparks private sector production and marketing of nutritious
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition’s Marketplace for Nutritious Foods program sparks private sector production and marketing of nutritious
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition’s Marketplace for Nutritious Foods program sparks private sector production and marketing of nutritious

"Culture overwhelms some of our best programmatic work in nutrition and health, and we fail to appreciate the power of business an

IGD and FIA conducted this study to explore the consumer attitudes towards healthier product reformulation, the progress within the industry and th
The Center for Strategic and International studies have looked at the impact of Feed the Future Investments in Guatemala.
The Center for Strategic and International studies have looked at the impact of Feed the Future Investments in Bangladesh.
The Center for Strategic and International studies have looked at the impact of Feed the Future Investments in Tanzania.
This short blog in Agrilinks gives a set of practical recommendations for knowledge management from CARE’s West Africa office.
Partnerships for Forests provides financial and technical assistant to help partners do business differently when it comes to land use and preventi

Seventy-five percent of the global food supply comes from 12 plant and five animal species – this report by WWF, Washington University, and food gi
The growing power of supermarkets comes at a cost.
Cocoa may not be the most nutritious of agricultural products, but it has huge environmental and economic importance.
This blog, by Alex Rees, asks some difficult questions – namely, do agricultural investments in Africa come anywhere close to the recommendations l
This public private partnership in Nigeria demonstrates what can be done to improve crop safety and reduce the non beneficial impacts of toxic crop
Peer review article in Hidden Hunger: Malnutrition and the First 1,000 Days of Life: Causes, Consequences and Solutions.
Restricted access paper looking at the role for public private partnerships in making agriculture value chains work for smallholder farmers, based
Results of a day-long meeting between food industry scientists, food, nutrition, and health related scientific societies and various U.S.

The Committee on World Food Security is a collaboration of international agencies, civil society, and the private sector focusing on policy issues

Partnership between Ipsos – a social market and research company, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Multinationals have the power to change people’s relationship with food – as this short opinion piece demonstrates.
Partnership between Unilever, DSM, Gain, Mondelez, U.N.

Expanding and replicating successful nutrition programmes can be challenging – innovation hugely depends on the types of partners and the roles of

Restricted access article focusing on the value of networks and collaborations for business in bottom of the pyramid markets.

The South Asia Food and Nutrition Security Initiative (SAFANSI) is an example of a multi

This report produced by the UK Health Forum provides case studies from around the world to help provide a framework for governing public private in
Two-page briefing on a research study by the United Nations International Labour Organisation assessing Chile’s national workforce nutrition progra
Discussion Paper by the International Food Policy Research Institute giving an overview of market failures limiting smallholder involvement in supp
An academic paper by the International Food Policy Research Institute looking at expectations that drive formal public private partnerships in agri

This study of agricultural PPPs in Ghana, Malawi, and Kenya calls for governments, donors, and companies to ensure greater participation from small
Four partnership principles by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), which govern investment in nutrition and other development p

This is a report from a workshop on communication and collaboration on public health and nutrition between the private sector, academia, government

For businesses looking to drive positive change, this blog sets out four simple and actionable suggestions:

The Multi-Stakeholder Guide by Wageningen University maps sixty tools spanning the six stages of the partnership process: connection, shared langua
Food Fortification in a Globalised World is based on 50 years’ experience across public and private sectors.
This short video shows the successes of public private collaboration in South Africa.
Nearly half of India’s population suffer from micronutrient deficiency.

Case studies embedded in local political economy, covering: dairy value chains in Afghanistan, milk value chains in Bangladesh, flour fortification
Briefing by the OECD looking at the rise of African food companies entering global markets, with a case study on Dangote Sugar Refinery in Nigeria.
Lindiwe’s personal story leads into an in-depth analysis of supply chain bottlenecks for subsistence farmers.

In 2012, Convergence Center for Policy Resolution embarked on an innovative approach to addressing America's obesity epidemic and other nutrition-r

Leading experts and co-chairs of the EAT-Lancet Commission, Prof Walter Willett and Prof.

Each year, the Global Nutrition Report provides a snapshot of the state of malnutrition.

This is the full report from the 2015 Future Fortified Global Summit on Food Fortification - the first ever Global Summit dedicated to large scale
Chapter 7 of the FAO’s 2013 State of Food and Agriculture: Food Systems for Better Nutrition, provides a helpful overview of the challenges and opp

Improving diets in an era of food market transformation: Challenges and opportunities for engagement between the public and private sectors

This report, compiled for the European Competitiveness and Sustainable Industrial Policy Consortium, gives a detailed look into the impact of food

This article in the British Medical Journal reviews strategies that governments can use to improve nutrition and health.
The Food Climate Research Network calls for a more equitable balance of power within the food system.

This report offers great insight into the important role of city-level action in driving food system change.
Two-page briefing by the FAO on a tool to help agriculture become more sustainable and empower smallholders.
‘It is through core business that truly transformative impact will happen,’ says John Fallon, Chief Exec, Pearson.
Discussion paper by the Food Climate Network addressing the relationship between food and environmental sustainability.
In this policy brief, the Global Panel makes the case that healthy diets are a foundation underpinning positive progress towards the Sustainable De
Report from a workshop on collaborative learning at the Institute of Development Studies in 2017, Brighton, U.K.
This report by the European Union addresses challenges of implementing country cooperation frameworks that fall under the auspices of the New Allia
This report summarizes the findings of a workshop for representatives of the Tanzanian government, development partners, civil society, and private

Public-Private Partnership Lab: Food and Water is a four-year action research and joint learning initiative to explore the effectiveness of PPPs.
Blog, originally published on Food Security Portal, discussing how global and regional seed companies are working to support smallholder farmers to
This 2015 report by the Asian Development Bank does not directly look at global food supply chains but has valuable and wide-reaching lessons.

Covers a checklist for formal public private partnerships spanning: rationale, design, implementation, sustainability, and the roles for brokers at
A comprehensive and helpful overview of farmer organizations, including a chapter on lessons for success. This review was commissioned by the U.K.
The Access to Nutrition Index has produced a 2018 scorecard for Campbell Soup company.
Working paper from the Harvard Kennedy School for Business looking at seven guiding principles for cross-sector action on public health.
SCN NEWS is published twice a year by the United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition.

This short paper by the Food and Business Knowledge Platform focuses on public private partnerships (PPPs) in the agricultural sector in Africa.
The context for this publication by Save the Children is Sustainable Development Goal 2: ‘Ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutri
Academic paper by John Hoddinot et al looking at the different models of engagements for public-private partnerships.
This peer review article in Nutrition Reviews assesses existing public private partnership (PPP) guidelines, successful PPPs and summarises intervi

Evidence from the Transform Nutrition Research consortium led by the International Food Policy Research Institute focusing on how to transform the
This article by Path celebrates the diverse strengths of public and private partners.

This paper reviews 41 workforce nutrition interventions published between 1995 and 2006 in the South African Journal of Clinical
This global mapping has two main sections: An analysis of the overall global status and results of large-scale food fortification and biofortificat
This short report gives an overview of rice fortification literature indexed in PubMed, including examples of successful public private engagement
This lively blog series by Future Fortified - an online platform to explore micronutrient deficiency, covers a range of topics relating to public p
In 2015 the Nourishing Millions project reviewed literature and case studies to show the evolution of nutrition during the past 50 years.
The Strengthening African Processors of Fortified Food Initiative is forging new partnerships between business and government.

This report analyses fourteen projects in low and middle income countries working on reducing food loss and waste in food systems.

This blog by Brian Lipinski at the World Resources Institutes draws attention to a new international day: 28 April - Stop Food Waste Day.
SNV is a team of advisers that work with business, governments, and implementing agencies.

This briefing by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) gives an overview of The Save Food Initiative, launched in 2011.
This article by a non-profit called Concordia makes the simple argument that food insecurity and loss can only be addressed by increased collaborat

Recommendations from the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems are targeted at policy makers in low- and middle-income countries

This US-based alliance brings together innovators and entrepreneurs, foundations and investors, cities and governments, corporates and NGOs, and re

An excellent example of public private engagement, FAO and