Guiding principles for multisector engagement for sustainable health

Scot Ratzan
Harvard Kennedy School for Business and Government
Resource type:
Reports and discussion papers

Working paper from the Harvard Kennedy School for Business looking at seven guiding principles for cross-sector action on public health. Citing the Sustainable Development Goals as a call to action requiring multisector collaboration, and an opportunity to re-engage more meaningfully with the private sector. The seven guidelines were developed from literature reviews, stakeholder interviews and input from high level global public policymakers. While this paper addresses global public health more broadly, the seven principles defined here are applicable for nutrition - and relevant for anyone in a leadership role looking to foster more effective public private engagement.

The seven principles as defined in the paper are:

  1. Mission: Agree on shared mission and goals in alignment with targets identified in SDG3 (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages)
  2. Interests: Ensure alignment of interests including identification and management of actual or potential conflicts of interest
  3. Legitimacy: Establish credibility and strengthen coordination with key actors
  4. Resources: Clarify contributions with financial, technical and in-kind support with each parties’ contribution considering synergies
  5. Governance: Commit to ethical communication with transparent, accountable, and just systems
  6. Measurement and evaluation: Create an evaluation plan to measure progress on key metrics
  7. Sustainability: Advance long-term stewardship for sustainable social impact beyond 2030 through partnership structure and terms of collaboration
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