Sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) taxes are gaining in popularity.
Other content with the tag "Taxes and incentives".

Over the past few decades, tobacco and alcohol taxes have gained widespread recognition as an effective public health tool to reduce the consumptio

To articulate what it means to take a food systems approach and support policymakers around the world to do so, R4D and City, University of London

This report from the Drivers of Food Choice program highlights the importance of consumer demand when it comes

This peer review paper argues that taking a healthy diet perspective, instead of a narrower production-focused approach, in food system transformat

This report from EAT and GlobeScan looks at the opinions of over 30,000 consumers in 31 markets around the world about their definition of good, he

This report from Bite Back 2030, in partnership with Livity and Action on Sugar, takes a look at how health claims on food products (which are ofte

The 2021 edition of this flagship report from IFPRI "looks at the critical lessons learned and promising opportunities for transforming our food sy

This paper summarises research conducted on the impacts of COVID-19 on LMICs’ food systems.

Acknowledging the critical role of private sector in nutrition - as the almost entire supplier of food worldwide – the Global Alliance for Improved

This chapter from WBCSD's Food and Agriculture Roadmap series sets out three policy recommendations from the consumer perspective, which have impli

In this video, a single mother living in South London tells us about her struggles to find fresh, affordable and healthy food.

In this evidence-based report, the authors articulate why food systems are no longer working to support people and planet.

This is the fifth annual SDG 12.3 progress report to track and report on global progress towards achieving SDG 12.3 - to halve global food waste at

In this Nature article, the authors call for policy actions that will support better diets for people, planet and prosperity - and will he

In a call for action endorsed by Food Fortification Initiative, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, Helen Keller International, Iodine Global N

This article from SUN Business Network (SBN) provides a snapshot of how nutritious food SMEs have been impacted by COVID-19, and what challenges, o

This Africa Agriculture Report 2020 from the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) sets out challenges and opportunities for improving f

The RTS Food waste in America in 2020 guide presents clear - and alarming - statistics on the amount of food that is wasted in the US each year, wh

Diets for a better future: Rebooting and reimagining healthy and sustainable food systems in the G20 compares the nation

Like many other reports, this publication confirms that our food systems are failing us.

A world with more plastics than fish in the oceans could be a reality by 2050 if we do not partner towards a circular economy.

“People are recognising that our global food system is harming the planet – and us,” says Dr. Richard Swannel, Director of WRAP.

Peer review evidence on why it does not always make sense for farmers to harvest crops.

This tool helps you discover policies at U.S. federal and state levels determining food loss.

This report assesses U.S government plans to reduce food waste, giving an overview of targets and strategies.

Three changes to the way the food business works can significantly reduce food waste and the burgeoning food insecurity:

Lack of accountability and follow up project planning is an issue that can limit many PPEs.

This paper considers whether Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) focused on improving diets and nutrition can simultaneously advance public health n

In this paper, the authors examine "how different aspects of trade can constrain or enable governments’ ability to implement food system-level acti

The Health Star Rating is a front-of-pack labelling system that rates the overall nutritional profile of packaged food and assigns it a rating from

This report looks at the top 10 global trends that are shaping how companies are perceived, and priorities for reputation management.

In 2018, GAIN and HarvestPlus created a partnership with the shared ambition to expand coverage of biofortified nutrient dense foods to at least 20

This discussion paper from the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) looks at new models for investing in nutritious foods, particularly in

The Framework on Urban Governance for Nutrition and the guide for implementation provide guidance o

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) released new guiding pr

Integrated food policy: What is it, and how can it help transform food systems? is the third brief in the Rethinking Food Pol

As part of the principles of engagement, the global members of the SUN Business Network (SBN) support workforce nutrition commitments (including br

This modelling study published in the BMJ finds that a 20% price increase in high sugar snacks has the potential to reduce overall energy purchased

This study looks at how foods targeted towards children have changed between 2009 and 2017 in Canada.

Comment piece in the Lancet provides good insight on how trade policy impacts healthy and sustainable food systems.

This paper looks at the impact of supermarkets and hypermarkets on diets in urban areas of Zambia, taking income and other socioeconomic factors in

This special report from the IPCC highlights the impact of land use and agricultural practices on climate change.

This podcast explores US agricultural policy through a Cold War lens, discussing the ‘Farms Race’ between the US and the Soviet Union.

New study from researchers at IFPRI looks at the relative caloric prices (RCPs) for different food categories across 176 countries and how they rel

New study in the Lancet calculates historical and future availability of fruit and vegetables compared to the amount recommended by the World Healt

This paper covers the factors relating to public and private sector commitment to food fortification and crop b

The 44th edition of the UNSCN Nutrition - Food environments: Where people meet the food system - looks at how food environments influence

Plating Up Progress has released a new investor briefing, Plating Up Progress Part 1, which looks at the sustainability risks and opportunities for
The Partnerships Resource Centre (PrC) conducts research projects to facilitate further knowledge accumulation and learning in the area of sustaina
There are relatively few peer review articles looking at risk assessment for entrepreneurs in the healthy food industry.
EAT and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), together with Food Reform for Sustainability and Health (FReSH) convened a
People’s perception of their ability to meet their needs and the level of autonomy they feel they can exert over their own lives directly correlate
Restricted access article looking at what it takes to scale piloted development projects and solutions.

This is an uplifting evidence-based assessment of what it takes to successfully campaign against corporate power.

In 2018, FReSH hosted Science to Solutions Dialogues (SSD) between

City University of London has produced five briefs as part of the "Rethinking Food Policy: A Fresh Approach to Policy and Practice" series.

IGD and FIA conducted this study to explore the consumer attitudes towards healthier product reformulation, the progress within the industry and th

In this thought piece from the Agrobiodiversity Index report 2019: Risk and resilience, the authors give examples of policies, financing mechanisms

Alive & Thrive and UNICEF created this animated video to show the benefits of a dedicated lactation space for moms in the wor

The Breastfeeding Advocacy Toolkit is a collection of advocacy tools aimed at improving policies and financing for the protection, promotion, and s

This report provides an approach for collaborative policymaking and governance improvement for sustainable food systems.
Fixing food 2018: best practices towards the Sustainable Development Goals investigates best practices in food sustainability across the w
Developed by The Economist Intelligence Unit and the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition, the Food Sustainability Index ranks 67 countries base

The readymade garment (RMG) industry significantly contributes to B

This brief from the US Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) brings together learnings from two studies they conducted with support from the Roc

This collection of news stories highlights some of the biggest challenges facing our food systems, and how policy and innovation can come together
FReSH’s True Cost of Food Discussion Paper identifies the methodological and data gaps that need to be filled to make true cost accounting (TCA) mo

This report sheds light on twelve specific innovations which can reduce the price of nutritious food, address food safety i

This report produced by the UK Health Forum provides case studies from around the world to help provide a framework for governing public private in

Chapter 6 of this report from PATH and MQSUN+ focuses on the role that businesses play in
Discussion Paper by the International Food Policy Research Institute giving an overview of market failures limiting smallholder involvement in supp
This report by the International Food Policy Research Institute has reviewed factors responsible for the growth of fertiliser use and maize product

Podcast by Bond looking at the varied roles of private sector finance and private sector led development in reaching the sustainable development go
Comment piece by Lawrence Haddad looking at incentives for business to address the global nutrition challenge.

This is a great podcast from The Doctor's Farmacy that touches on a lot of important aspects of public private engagement for nutrition. Host Dr.

This landmark paper does not only make recommendations, it shows what can be done with the global resources we have and are likely to have in the f

The Access to Nutrition Index is published by the Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI)

Improving diets in an era of food market transformation: Challenges and opportunities for engagement between the public and private sectors
Briefing by Jeffrey Sachs et al on how to maximize public private partnerships and combine public finance regulation with private market participat

This brief from the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition calls on both public and priva
SCN NEWS is published twice a year by the United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition.
This paper asks important questions, such as: How has high level political momentum for nutrition been generated?
This article looks at the nature of public private engagement amidst cyclical and systemic food insecurity.

This short paper by the Food and Business Knowledge Platform focuses on public private partnerships (PPPs) in the agricultural sector in Africa.
The context for this publication by Save the Children is Sustainable Development Goal 2: ‘Ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutri
This briefing by the European Centre for Development Policy Management has some interesting implications for cross-sector collaboration.

Evidence from the Transform Nutrition Research consortium led by the International Food Policy Research Institute focusing on how to transform the
This article by Path celebrates the diverse strengths of public and private partners.

This snapshot reports sets out the work of GAIN’s partners to employ food fortification as one way to improve