The 2021 edition of this flagship report from IFPRI "looks at the critical lessons learned and promising opportunities for transforming our food systems to be more resilient, healthy, sustainable, efficient, and inclusive." The start of each chapter sets out key messages and recommendations, and there are links to very helpful and relevant tools and resources throughout the report. Though all elements of the food system connect public and private sector actors, Chapter 6 is particularly relevant, and highlights the importance of enabling environments that support resilience, innovation and adaptation. As it is every year, this is an important read, rich with data and resources. In addition to the six chapters (listed below), there is a comprehensive appendix with region-specific findings, as well a vast amount of data, tables and graphs.
- Chapter 1: Beyond the Pandemic: Transforming Food Systems after COVID-19
- Chapter 2: Resilience From Policy Responses to Resilient Policy Systems
- Chapter 3: Nutrition Transforming Food Systems to Achieve Healthy Diets for All
- Chapter 4: Natural Resources and Environment Governance for Nature-Positive Food Systems
- Chapter 5: Toward Inclusive Food Systems Pandemics, Vulnerable Groups, and the Role of Social Protection
- Chapter 6: Food Supply Chains Business Resilience, Innovation, and Adaptation