Other content with the tag "Innovation".

Backcasting supports cross-sectoral collaboration and social-technical innovation bundling: Case studies in agri-food systems
March 20, 2025

This paper discusses the urgent need to transform food systems to address global challenges related to climate, biodiversity, equity, and nutrition

Nourishing the Future: Innovation to Close the Gaps in Nutrition Apps for a Healthier University Lifestyle
November 4, 2024

The dissertation titled "Nourishing the Future: Innovation to Close the Gaps in Nutrition Apps for a Healthier University Lifestyle" by Gabriela Vi

December 13, 2023

AgriFoodTech start-ups are coming to be seen as relevant players in the debate around and reality of the transformation of 

July 17, 2023

To solve the Great Food Puzzle gaps in the ambition and implementation of national-level food systems

July 3, 2023

The Indian food consumption landscape is changing significantly.

April 14, 2023

In the face of global food and nutrition crises, incremental adjustment in existing technology is not enough; the future of food systems hinges on

April 14, 2023

Our global food system lacks the critically needed micronutrients to meet the daily requirements of the most at-risk populations.

April 14, 2023

Climate change, rapid urbanization, war, and economic recession are key drivers of the current food systems’ disruption, which has been exacerbated

January 6, 2023

This volume – a critical product of the Scientific Group of the UN Food Systems Summit

 sustainability of vertical farming, plant-based alternatives, food delivery services and blockchain in food systems
November 15, 2022

Food system technologies (FSTs) are being developed to accelerate the transformation towards sustainable food systems.

The Effect of food systems innovation on the Sustainable Development Goals
November 15, 2022

Food system innovations will be instrumental to achieving multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Driven to Waste: Global Food Loss on Farms
September 20, 2022

Driven to Waste: Global Food Loss on Farms, a report from WWF and Tesco, reveals an estimated 2.5 billion tonnes of food goes unea

Reducing food loss: What grocery retailers and manufacturers can do
September 20, 2022

It’s a dire statistic: 33 to 40 percent of the world’s food is lost or wasted every year.

May 22, 2022

The Feed the Future’s Innovation Lab for Food Safety (Food Safety Innovation Lab) leverages extensive experienc

May 22, 2022

The Feed the Future’s Innovation Lab for Food Safety (Food Safety Innovation Lab) leverages extensive experienc

May 15, 2022

This report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is intended to quantify some

March 1, 2022

This peer review paper argues that taking a healthy diet perspective, instead of a narrower production-focused approach, in food system transformat

November 17, 2021

This Blue Food collection in Nature is the result of a collaboration between The Blue Food Assessment

August 23, 2021

This study is the result of a landscape analysis undertaken by Action Against Hunger UK for the Global Al

June 23, 2021

Endeva created this comprehensive guide to inform NGOs and businesses of the opportunity within Inclusive Business (IB) models to create sustainabl

June 9, 2021

This piece looks at how COVID-19 has impacted the food system in the U.K., exacerbating existing challenges and creating new ones in the way that p

April 13, 2021

The 2021 edition of this flagship report from IFPRI "looks at the critical lessons learned and promising opportunities for transforming our food sy

December 18, 2020

This is an incredibly practical resource, written collaboratively to bring real-life experience and lessons from local food systems actors from Asi

September 18, 2020

This comment piece highlights important areas progress against goals set out in the Malabo Declaration, which provides the direction for Africa’s a

September 11, 2020

The RTS Food waste in America in 2020 guide presents clear - and alarming - statistics on the amount of food that is wasted in the US each year, wh

September 4, 2020

Based on the independent assessment of the

September 2, 2020

Like many other reports, this publication confirms that our food systems are failing us.

September 2, 2020

Microalgae might be the first thing that comes to mind when considering nutrition but it offers an impressive range of minerals,

August 28, 2020

Three changes to the way the food business works can significantly reduce food waste and the burgeoning food insecurity:

August 26, 2020

This article in the Telegraph gives a candid account of the inequities underlying COVID and how, when in a time of crisis, the people w

August 26, 2020

Deloitte’s global Future of Food initiative is a cross sector ambition to help companies in four areas:

August 26, 2020

In 2018, the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement launched a pitch competition to showcase investment opportunities for small and medium enter

August 24, 2020

In South Asia and Africa south of the Sahara domestic food chains account for almost all of the food market.  In these countries, rough

July 17, 2020

The theme of the 2020 report from the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) is Nutrition in a digital world. The articles, research a

September 9, 2019

The Sustainable Food Platform is part of P4G - Partnering for Green

August 15, 2019

This issue of Sight and Life magazine brings together diverse perspectives on the potential applications for technological innovation across the fo

August 8, 2019

This podcast explores US agricultural policy through a Cold War lens, discussing the ‘Farms Race’ between the US and the Soviet Union.

July 19, 2019

In March 2018, McKinsey and The Aspen Institute held a two-day event with senior government leaders

July 11, 2019

The 44th edition of the UNSCN Nutrition - Food environments: Where people meet the food system - looks at how food environments influence

July 2, 2019

This paper by IDH – Sustainable Trade Initiative gives extensive evidence on how to deliver models that provide service delivery to smallholder far

July 2, 2019

There are relatively few peer review articles looking at risk assessment for entrepreneurs in the healthy food industry.

July 2, 2019

This paper provides a business case for investing in India.

July 2, 2019

EAT and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), together with Food Reform for Sustainability and Health (FReSH) convened a

July 2, 2019

Restricted access article looking at how innovation is essential to meeting the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.

June 26, 2019

In 2018, FReSH hosted Science to Solutions Dialogues (SSD) between

June 18, 2019

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition’s Marketplace for Nutritious Foods program sparks private sector production and marketing of nutritious

June 7, 2019

This is inspired action at its finest!

June 6, 2019

Seventy-five percent of the global food supply comes from 12 plant and five animal species – this report by WWF, Washington University, and food gi

June 6, 2019

This collection of news stories highlights some of the biggest challenges facing our food systems, and how policy and innovation can come together

May 29, 2019

This report sheds light on twelve specific innovations which can reduce the price of nutritious food, address food safety i

May 24, 2019

The Committee on World Food Security is a collaboration of international agencies, civil society, and the private sector focusing on policy issues

Innovation in large-scale nutrition surveys report
May 24, 2019

Partnership between Ipsos – a social market and research company, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

May 24, 2019

FoodSwitch is an example of innovation that is empowering consumers to make smarter nutrition decisions.

men farming
May 24, 2019

Expanding and replicating successful nutrition programmes can be challenging –  innovation hugely depends on the types of partners and the roles of

Good Food is Good Business: Opportunities driving the future of affordable nutrition
April 29, 2019

This report was written with four groups of key stakeholders in mind: national and regional food and beverage companies, multinational food and bev

April 29, 2019

An academic paper by the International Food Policy Research Institute looking at expectations that drive formal public private partnerships in agri

April 29, 2019

This study of agricultural PPPs in Ghana, Malawi, and Kenya calls for governments, donors, and companies to ensure greater participation from small

April 29, 2019

For businesses looking to drive positive change, this blog sets out four simple and actionable suggestions:

Sixty tools to facilitate multi-stakeholder partnerships
April 29, 2019

The Multi-Stakeholder Guide by Wageningen University maps sixty tools spanning the six stages of the partnership process: connection, shared langua

April 25, 2019

FAO and the Government of Switzerland launched a competition to fund winning innovations which contribute to the global effort to reach Zero Hunger

fruit and nut bowl
April 24, 2019

Behavioural economics has been a part of Google’s diet for a while.

April 24, 2019

This landmark paper does not only make recommendations, it shows what can be done with the global resources we have and are likely to have in the f

April 21, 2019

Two-page briefing by the FAO on a tool to help agriculture become more sustainable and empower smallholders.

April 21, 2019

Technical report from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

April 19, 2019

This 21-page briefing by Society Works summarizes information on 152 social entrepreneurs working on food production, manufacturing, distribution,

April 19, 2019

Public-Private Partnership Lab: Food and Water is a four-year action research and joint learning initiative to explore the effectiveness of PPPs.

truck transporting wheat bales
April 19, 2019

Presentation by Aniko Juhasz, Director, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics linked to the European Commission conference: Harnessing Resea

April 19, 2019

Blog, originally published on Food Security Portal, discussing how global and regional seed companies are working to support smallholder farmers to

April 19, 2019

This 2015 report by the Asian Development Bank does not directly look at global food supply chains but has valuable and wide-reaching lessons.

April 19, 2019

A detailed review by the FAO on public private partnerships in agribusiness.

April 18, 2019

Academic paper by John Hoddinot et al looking at the different models of engagements for public-private partnerships.

April 18, 2019

It is far too easy to read expiration dates and food labels and err on the side of caution.

April 17, 2019

The Consumer Goods Forum seeks to secure consumer trust and drive positive change by bringing together over 400 consumer goods re

April 10, 2019

This paper looks at three pillars through which the private sector may directly or indir

April 10, 2019

Being able to track and measure the impact of business on food and diets is key to ensuring that businesses make positive contributions

April 7, 2019

What happens if you put tech-savvy entrepreneurs on a mission to stop food loss and waste with artificial intelligence?

April 4, 2019

This blog by Brian Lipinski at the World Resources Institutes draws attention to a new international day: 28 April - Stop Food Waste Day.

April 4, 2019

SNV is a team of advisers that work with business, governments, and implementing agencies.

April 4, 2019

This article by a non-profit called Concordia makes the simple argument that food insecurity and loss can only be addressed by increased collaborat

April 4, 2019

Innovation has led to the world’s first food loss and waste calculator that instantly estimates the value of food loss and waste in terms of the nu

April 4, 2019

This punchy Guardian article from 2015 still has relevance today.

April 4, 2019

This US-based alliance brings together innovators and entrepreneurs, foundations and investors, cities and governments, corporates and NGOs, and re

April 4, 2019

An excellent example of public private engagement, FAO and

April 3, 2019

Partnership between Tesco and U.K.

April 3, 2019

The Food Waste Atlas tracks the world’s food loss and waste across the entire food system.

April 3, 2019

This is the third annual progress report on behalf of Champions 12.3, a coalition of executives from governments, businesses, international organiz

March 21, 2019

"An innovation evolution is needed to maximize the future impact of food fortification," says Dipika Matthias, Senior Program Manager at the Gates