Food Sustainability Index

The Economist Intelligence Unit and the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition
Resource type:
Data and datasets

Developed by The Economist Intelligence Unit and the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition, the Food Sustainability Index ranks 67 countries based on three pillars: sustainable agriculture, nutritional challenges, and food loss and waste. Countries are scored 0-100 where 100 indicates the most sustainable environment. It is a very helpful tool, and results can be viewed in multiple ways using multiple filter criteria. Authors do offer a caution that "Given the inherent differences in food and agriculture systems, access to inputs, dietary and nutrition concerns, and policy development and implementation across countries at different income levels, aggregate global rankings should be treated with care. Users are encouraged to explore the underlying thematic pillars and indicators to learn more about how each income group performs within individual areas of food sustainability." 

You may also be interested in the complementary report Fixing food 2018: best practices towards the Sustainable Development Goals

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