The study investigates four Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Mexico, revealing a lack of public information on their implementation and effect
Other content with the tag "Case Study".

To articulate what it means to take a food systems approach and support policymakers around the world to do so, R4D and City, University of London

Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) has been commissioned to benchmark the world’s 25 largest food and beverage (F&B) companies’ lobbying-rel

Many impact-oriented initiatives are increasingly recognizing the opportunity to support the private sector to empower women in the workplace and g

This study is the result of a landscape analysis undertaken by Action Against Hunger UK for the Global Al

This study was in rural Bangladesh tested the cost effectiveness of a home micronutrient powder food fortification programme for children under the

The Consumer Good Forum (CGF)'s Collaboration for Healthier Lives (CHL) Coalition works to drive collaborative actions through local initiatives to

Almost half of the world’s population – 3 billion people – are directly affected by land degradation.

Nutrition programmes within commodity value chains provide a unique opportunity to improve health outcomes for workers, farmers,

This study looks at research around the implementation of a nutrition programme in a garment factory in Bangladesh.

In 2018, GAIN and HarvestPlus created a partnership with the shared ambition to expand coverage of biofortified nutrient dense foods to at least 20

This study summarises the findings of research undertaken by GAIN and NewForesight to explore the business case for investing in and implementing n

In this research paper, the authors build on nutrition sensitive value chain frameworks and then present an implementation case study that seeks to

As part of the principles of engagement, the global members of the SUN Business Network (SBN) support workforce nutrition commitments (including br
The Partnerships Resource Centre (PrC) conducts research projects to facilitate further knowledge accumulation and learning in the area of sustaina
People’s perception of their ability to meet their needs and the level of autonomy they feel they can exert over their own lives directly correlate

This is an uplifting evidence-based assessment of what it takes to successfully campaign against corporate power.
In this supplement issue of Maternal & Child Nutrition, Helen Keller International (HKI) authors have writte
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition’s Marketplace for Nutritious Foods program sparks private sector production and marketing of nutritious
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition’s Marketplace for Nutritious Foods program sparks private sector production and marketing of nutritious
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition’s Marketplace for Nutritious Foods program sparks private sector production and marketing of nutritious
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition’s Marketplace for Nutritious Foods program sparks private sector production and marketing of nutritious
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition’s Marketplace for Nutritious Foods program sparks private sector production and marketing of nutritious

This report provides an approach for collaborative policymaking and governance improvement for sustainable food systems.
Ever wondered what it’s like for the people growing your chocolate? Ever thought that they may be children?
The Center for Strategic and International studies have looked at the impact of Feed the Future Investments in Guatemala.
The Center for Strategic and International studies have looked at the impact of Feed the Future Investments in Bangladesh.
The Center for Strategic and International studies have looked at the impact of Feed the Future Investments in Tanzania.
Sight and Life, DSM, and John Hopkin’s Bloomberg School of Public Health have come together to publish lessons from a four decade partnership.
Partnerships for Forests provides financial and technical assistant to help partners do business differently when it comes to land use and preventi
Two page briefing by IBM looking at the causes of supply chain inefficiencies.
Irresponsible resource management does not make business sense – a truism that Kavita Prakash-Mani and Joao Campari at WWF call out in this blog.
Cocoa may not be the most nutritious of agricultural products, but it has huge environmental and economic importance.
This public private partnership in Nigeria demonstrates what can be done to improve crop safety and reduce the non beneficial impacts of toxic crop
Restricted access paper looking at the role for public private partnerships in making agriculture value chains work for smallholder farmers, based

Partnership between Ipsos – a social market and research company, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
FoodSwitch is an example of innovation that is empowering consumers to make smarter nutrition decisions.
Public information on Pepsico's agricultural commodities. For more information on Pepsico’s core business and reporting standards go to our Advanci
Multinationals have the power to change people’s relationship with food – as this short opinion piece demonstrates.
Partnership between Unilever, DSM, Gain, Mondelez, U.N.

The South Asia Food and Nutrition Security Initiative (SAFANSI) is an example of a multi

The cost of a nutritious meal is not fixed and it can be heavily dependent upon the season.
One-page correspondence in the Lancet looking at the benefit of investing in workplace wellness programmes in India.

This report produced by the UK Health Forum provides case studies from around the world to help provide a framework for governing public private in
Realising the potential of workplaces to prevent and control NCDs: How public policy can encourage businesses and governments to work toget
A worksite intervention in South Africa demonstrates the importance of identifying employees with increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
China has undergone rapid change in recent years which has impacted on the health of its workforce.
Two-page briefing on a research study by the United Nations International Labour Organisation assessing Chile’s national workforce nutrition progra
An academic paper by the International Food Policy Research Institute looking at expectations that drive formal public private partnerships in agri

This study of agricultural PPPs in Ghana, Malawi, and Kenya calls for governments, donors, and companies to ensure greater participation from small
For anyone interested in the cost-benefit of food fortification as a public health intervention.
This short video shows the successes of public private collaboration in South Africa.
This article has a useful summary of challenges along the food value chain that prevent compliance with national standards.
Nearly half of India’s population suffer from micronutrient deficiency.

Case studies embedded in local political economy, covering: dairy value chains in Afghanistan, milk value chains in Bangladesh, flour fortification
Lindiwe’s personal story leads into an in-depth analysis of supply chain bottlenecks for subsistence farmers.
Companion document to the United States National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Food Service Guidelines in Public Servi

This is the full report from the 2015 Future Fortified Global Summit on Food Fortification - the first ever Global Summit dedicated to large scale

A highly recommended resource on consumer demand from the perspective of public private engagement.

Base of the pyramid typically refers to the largest and poorest socio-economic grouping, and it is estimated that people in this ‘category’ spend u

Improving diets in an era of food market transformation: Challenges and opportunities for engagement between the public and private sectors
Looking outside of the nutrition sector towards the climate change agenda brings a fresh perspective to the issue of incentivising responsible priv

This report, compiled for the European Competitiveness and Sustainable Industrial Policy Consortium, gives a detailed look into the impact of food
Briefing by ActionAid revealing that one in every two dollars of large corporate investment in developing countries is being routed from or a via a

Policy brief by the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition looking at the evidence for gov
Working paper by Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) looking at how corporate social responsibility and supply agree
Dietary Guidelines for Americans set the country’s nutrition policy and help direct over $80 billion federal spending.
This report from FAO and the Food Climate Research Network looks at national dietary guidelines as a practical intervention to improve nutrition an
In this policy brief, the Global Panel makes the case that healthy diets are a foundation underpinning positive progress towards the Sustainable De
Mars have produced a position statement on their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.
Unilever’s Paul Polman is a Champion 12.3 – part of a global coalition to accelerate action to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 to half
Report from a workshop on collaborative learning at the Institute of Development Studies in 2017, Brighton, U.K.
This report by the European Union addresses challenges of implementing country cooperation frameworks that fall under the auspices of the New Allia
This report summarizes the findings of a workshop for representatives of the Tanzanian government, development partners, civil society, and private

This 21-page briefing by Society Works summarizes information on 152 social entrepreneurs working on food production, manufacturing, distribution,
Written evidence submitted by Farm Africa and Self Help Africa on December 2012 to the U.K International Development Committee.

Public-Private Partnership Lab: Food and Water is a four-year action research and joint learning initiative to explore the effectiveness of PPPs.
Blog, originally published on Food Security Portal, discussing how global and regional seed companies are working to support smallholder farmers to

This briefing addresses the distinct roles that each partner can play in promoting nutrition under the Comprehensive African Agricultural Developme

Covers a checklist for formal public private partnerships spanning: rationale, design, implementation, sustainability, and the roles for brokers at
Health gossip is rife in Indonesia.
Presentation for the Wellcome Trust looking at the role of policy on public food choices.
As a systematic and rigorous analysis, this Lancet paper provides perspective on the issue of consumer demand creation by systematically reviewing
The Access to Nutrition Index has produced a 2018 scorecard for Campbell Soup company.
Principles guiding Unilever’s food and beverage marketing communications, including a promise not to direct any marketing communications to childre
A look into how business models can be reshaped to respond to changing consumer preferences.
This is a detailed overview of why people did not take up fortified complementary foods in Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, India, Bangladesh, and Vietnam.

Alive & Thrive is an initiative that aims to improve infant and young child feeding practices by increasing rates of exclusiv

This paper reviews 41 workforce nutrition interventions published between 1995 and 2006 in the South African Journal of Clinical

Blueprint for Business Action on Health Literacy supports the Europe 2020 strategy and the renewed EU strategy for Corporate Soci
This short report gives an overview of rice fortification literature indexed in PubMed, including examples of successful public private engagement
This lively blog series by Future Fortified - an online platform to explore micronutrient deficiency, covers a range of topics relating to public p
This book examines food fortification in all its forms.
In this synopsis - aimed at business leaders, governments and implementing agencies - IFPRI and Nourishing Millions provide recommendations on how
In 2015 the Nourishing Millions project reviewed literature and case studies to show the evolution of nutrition during the past 50 years.

A concise account of lessons learned on salt and iron iodization by world renowned economists, as part of the costs benefit analysis on leading dev
Written by world renowned economists, this paper highlights the cost efficiency of select nutrition interventions and ranks fortification among the

This report analyses fourteen projects in low and middle income countries working on reducing food loss and waste in food systems.
SNV is a team of advisers that work with business, governments, and implementing agencies.
This presentation is the outcome of a high level policy dialogue in 2015 by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.
This article by a non-profit called Concordia makes the simple argument that food insecurity and loss can only be addressed by increased collaborat

Recommendations from the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems are targeted at policy makers in low- and middle-income countries
This report looks at supply chain waste based on Feedback's research on export supply chains in Peru, Senegal, South Africa, the UK and a major Eur