Public-Private Partnerships in Mexico: Implications of Engaging With the Food and Beverage Industry For Public Health Nutrition

Angela Carriedo*1, Enaí Ojeda2, Eric Crosbie3,4, Mélissa Mialon5
1.World Public Health Nutrition Association, London, UK
2.Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Morelos, Mexico
3.School of Public Health, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV, USA
4.Ozmen Institute for Global Studies, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV, USA
5.Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Published in Int J Health Policy Manag.
Resource type:
Peer review

The study investigates four Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Mexico, revealing a lack of public information on their implementation and effectiveness in promoting public health. The F&BI partner often dominated decision-making, design, and information management, leveraging the partnerships to promote their brands. Independent evaluations were scarce, and none addressed the PPPs' impact on public health. Governance principles like accountability, transparency, and fairness were inadequately followed in the studied cases. Conflicts of interest (COI) were not consistently scrutinized by public officials, and when addressed, financial benefits tended to outweigh perceived risks. The findings indicate that these PPPs provided minimal public health benefits, primarily enhancing the credibility of participating transnational F&BI partners. The study underscores the need for improved governance and transparency in PPPs to ensure their alignment with public health goals and to mitigate potential conflicts of interest.

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