The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) 2024 edition, published by FAO, outlines global phytosanitary measures to prevent the spread a
Other content with the tag "Business models".

This briefing paper explores business models that companies use to make nutritious foods more accessible to lower-income consumers in low- and midd

The document explores business models used by firms to make nutritious foods accessible to lower-income consumers in low- and middle-income countri

This research explores business model adaptations to enhance access to egg-based products for low-income consumers.

The article highlights significant changes in European agrifood systems, focusing on three key factors: digitalization, societal demands, and envir

Reducing post-harvest loss is one promising way to make nutritious foods more available, accessible, and affordable - all while improving the envir

Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) has been commissioned to benchmark the world’s 25 largest food and beverage (F&B) companies’ lobbying-rel

UNICEF recognizes the importance of engaging business to achieve nutrition results for children.

This peer-review article in BMJ Nutrition Prevent & Health highlights an important area where public and private sectors need to align: brand a

On Tuesday, 20 July 2021, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the

Endeva created this comprehensive guide to inform NGOs and businesses of the opportunity within Inclusive Business (IB) models to create sustainabl

This piece looks at how COVID-19 has impacted the food system in the U.K., exacerbating existing challenges and creating new ones in the way that p

This paper from Chatham House does not deal explicitly with nutrition, but its findings have important implications for food systems across Latin A

The Compass’ is Unilever's corporate strategy, driven by three ambitions, based on the input of 40,000 employees and external sta

Soil health is an often undervalued area of sustainable food systems – but one which demands urgent action.

Peer review evidence on why it does not always make sense for farmers to harvest crops.

A place for futures thinking and overcoming bias for business who need agile models.

Deloitte’s global Future of Food initiative is a cross sector ambition to help companies in four areas:

This report provides valuable insights on how to make supply chains agile, light, and better connected.

This policy brief from Ceres2030 finds that 'if governments provide USD 10 billion for social protection programmes in Africa and South Asia, with

On 7 July 2020, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF), with participation from the

A new survey from McKinsey finds that "executives and investment professionals largely agree that environmental, social, and governance programs cr

Nutrition programmes within commodity value chains provide a unique opportunity to improve health outcomes for workers, farmers,

This study looks at research around the implementation of a nutrition programme in a garment factory in Bangladesh.

This paper covers the factors relating to public and private sector commitment to food fortification and crop b
This paper by IDH – Sustainable Trade Initiative gives extensive evidence on how to deliver models that provide service delivery to smallholder far
This paper provides a business case for investing in India.
EAT and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), together with Food Reform for Sustainability and Health (FReSH) convened a
Restricted access article looking at how innovation is essential to meeting the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.

The International Agri-Food Network brings together thousands of international companies and national associations under the umbrella of fourteen i
Ever wondered what it’s like for the people growing your chocolate? Ever thought that they may be children?
The Center for Strategic and International studies have looked at the impact of Feed the Future Investments in Guatemala.
The Center for Strategic and International studies have looked at the impact of Feed the Future Investments in Bangladesh.
The Center for Strategic and International studies have looked at the impact of Feed the Future Investments in Tanzania.
Sight and Life, DSM, and John Hopkin’s Bloomberg School of Public Health have come together to publish lessons from a four decade partnership.

Seventy-five percent of the global food supply comes from 12 plant and five animal species – this report by WWF, Washington University, and food gi
The growing power of supermarkets comes at a cost.
Two page briefing by IBM looking at the causes of supply chain inefficiencies.
Irresponsible resource management does not make business sense – a truism that Kavita Prakash-Mani and Joao Campari at WWF call out in this blog.
Cocoa may not be the most nutritious of agricultural products, but it has huge environmental and economic importance.
This blog, by Alex Rees, asks some difficult questions – namely, do agricultural investments in Africa come anywhere close to the recommendations l
Peer review article in Hidden Hunger: Malnutrition and the First 1,000 Days of Life: Causes, Consequences and Solutions.
Restricted access paper looking at the role for public private partnerships in making agriculture value chains work for smallholder farmers, based
Results of a day-long meeting between food industry scientists, food, nutrition, and health related scientific societies and various U.S.

The Safe Food Imperative argues that much of the health and economic burden of unsafe food can be avoided through preventive measures, investments,

The Committee on World Food Security is a collaboration of international agencies, civil society, and the private sector focusing on policy issues

Partnership between Ipsos – a social market and research company, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Public information on Pepsico's agricultural commodities. For more information on Pepsico’s core business and reporting standards go to our Advanci
Multinationals have the power to change people’s relationship with food – as this short opinion piece demonstrates.

Restricted access article focusing on the value of networks and collaborations for business in bottom of the pyramid markets.
One-page correspondence in the Lancet looking at the benefit of investing in workplace wellness programmes in India.

Many mothers experience barriers to maintaining a breastfeeding relationship with their infants after returning to work.
Realising the potential of workplaces to prevent and control NCDs: How public policy can encourage businesses and governments to work toget
This resource from the Food and Drink Federation is a compilation of case studies looking at the employee health practices of leading food and drin
LifeDojo is an online forum dedicated to employee health.
This report by the International Food Policy Research Institute has reviewed factors responsible for the growth of fertiliser use and maize product

Case studies embedded in local political economy, covering: dairy value chains in Afghanistan, milk value chains in Bangladesh, flour fortification

FAO and the Government of Switzerland launched a competition to fund winning innovations which contribute to the global effort to reach Zero Hunger

In this video, watch the forum discussion with Harvard professor and lead author of the EAT Lancet commission on healthy diets, restauranteur, and
The United States National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion have drafted guidelines for public food services aimed at gov

Each year, the Global Nutrition Report provides a snapshot of the state of malnutrition.

This 2019 Lancet Commission Report looks at systemic causes for the triple problems of obesity, undernutrition, and climate change.

This is the full report from the 2015 Future Fortified Global Summit on Food Fortification - the first ever Global Summit dedicated to large scale

A highly recommended resource on consumer demand from the perspective of public private engagement.

Base of the pyramid typically refers to the largest and poorest socio-economic grouping, and it is estimated that people in this ‘category’ spend u
Paper by Sight and Life puts forward a framework for public private engagement in nutrition.
Looking outside of the nutrition sector towards the climate change agenda brings a fresh perspective to the issue of incentivising responsible priv

Restricted access article in the Food Policy Journal looking at shared responsibility for food safety governance.
Article by Parag Khanna at the Financial Times discussing the rise of 'Metanationals', or stateless companies.
Michael Devereux, Director at Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation, shares his views on tax avoidance and explains the international tax

This report, compiled for the European Competitiveness and Sustainable Industrial Policy Consortium, gives a detailed look into the impact of food
Briefing by ActionAid revealing that one in every two dollars of large corporate investment in developing countries is being routed from or a via a
Recent Guardian article by world-renowned economist and Nobel laureate, Joseph Stiglitz explores the truth about tax evasion.
This paper develops a model for corporate political philanthropy based on findings from the tobacco industry.
Honest and provocative report by the Civil Society Reflection Group on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Two-page briefing by the FAO on a tool to help agriculture become more sustainable and empower smallholders.
‘It is through core business that truly transformative impact will happen,’ says John Fallon, Chief Exec, Pearson.
In this policy brief, the Global Panel makes the case that healthy diets are a foundation underpinning positive progress towards the Sustainable De
Unilever is driving change within the palm oil industry with a focus on more efficient land use and forest protection.
Mars have produced a position statement on their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.
Unilever’s Paul Polman is a Champion 12.3 – part of a global coalition to accelerate action to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 to half
This 2015 report by the Asian Development Bank does not directly look at global food supply chains but has valuable and wide-reaching lessons.

Covers a checklist for formal public private partnerships spanning: rationale, design, implementation, sustainability, and the roles for brokers at
This up-to-date market analysis focuses only on answering the most important questions that all companies face.
The Access to Nutrition Index has produced a 2018 scorecard for Campbell Soup company.
Principles guiding Unilever’s food and beverage marketing communications, including a promise not to direct any marketing communications to childre

Presentation by the BoP Innovation Centre – an independent foundation created to deliver a one-stop shop for business, investors, and advisors with
A look into how business models can be reshaped to respond to changing consumer preferences.
A technical briefing for anyone working on behavior change initiatives at scale.
It is far too easy to read expiration dates and food labels and err on the side of caution.
The Consumer Goods Forum seeks to secure consumer trust and drive positive change by bringing together over 400 consumer goods re

Blueprint for Business Action on Health Literacy supports the Europe 2020 strategy and the renewed EU strategy for Corporate Soci
This short report gives an overview of rice fortification literature indexed in PubMed, including examples of successful public private engagement
This book examines food fortification in all its forms.
In 2015 the Nourishing Millions project reviewed literature and case studies to show the evolution of nutrition during the past 50 years.
The Strengthening African Processors of Fortified Food Initiative is forging new partnerships between business and government.

This report analyses fourteen projects in low and middle income countries working on reducing food loss and waste in food systems.
SNV is a team of advisers that work with business, governments, and implementing agencies.

This briefing by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) gives an overview of The Save Food Initiative, launched in 2011.

The global food fortification ingredients market was valued at US$ 30.50 Bn in 2016, and is expected to reach US$ 100.84 Bn by 2025.

The Food Waste Atlas tracks the world’s food loss and waste across the entire food system.

This is the third annual progress report on behalf of Champions 12.3, a coalition of executives from governments, businesses, international organiz
"An innovation evolution is needed to maximize the future impact of food fortification," says Dipika Matthias, Senior Program Manager at the Gates