This industry mapping report provides an overview of Ethiopia’s edible oil sector, highlighting the country’s dependence on imported oils and chall
Other content with the tag "Ethiopia".
The report details the EatSafe initiative in Ethiopia, supported by Feed the Future, which aims to enhance food safety in traditional markets.
This study evaluates microbial contamination in fresh vegetables sold in traditional markets in Hawassa, Ethiopia.
This baseline assessment examines food safety behaviors and knowledge among consumers and vendors in Ethiopia’s traditional markets.
This study evaluates the physicochemical properties and microbial quality of both commercially produced (branded) and traditionally produced (unbra
This study investigates how nutritional knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) and kitchen characteristics affect women's dietary quality in Eth
This report focuses on the EatSafe initiative, a USAID Feed the Future program aimed at improving food safety in traditional markets in Nigeria and
This qualitative study explores community beliefs and perceptions regarding congenital anomalies (CAs) in Southern Ethiopia.
This study assesses the prevalence and factors contributing to undernutrition among adults on second-line antiretroviral therapy (SLART) in Norther
This study examines the adoption of milk safety practices among smallholder dairy farmers in Ethiopia.
This study examines the effects of climate change adaptation strategies on food security and sesame production in Western Ethiopia.
This cross-sectional study identifies inadequate consumption of vitamin A-rich foods among lactating mothers in Ethiopia, with 88.5% of participant
This study investigates the implementation status of the Dagu-2 health commodity management information system in public health facilities in South
This cross-sectional study investigates food safety practices in Ethiopian smallholder dairy farms, analyzing how factors like farm size, education

Reducing post-harvest loss is one promising way to make nutritious foods more available, accessible, and affordable - all while improving the envir

In Ethiopia, undernutrition remains a critical issue with current national estimates suggesting that the prevalence of stunting (36.8%), underweigh

In 2018, GAIN and HarvestPlus created a partnership with the shared ambition to expand coverage of biofortified nutrient dense foods to

In this second report of the FABLE Consortium, country teams present 20 national pathways towards sustainable land-use and food systems.

The Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, LandUse, and Energy (FABLE) Consortium is a knowledge network of research

In 2019, GAIN commissioned Philanthropy Advisors (PA), a consulting firm specialised in the evaluation of devel

These manuals have been prepared for those interested in producing and supplying complementary foods.
This paper by IDH – Sustainable Trade Initiative gives extensive evidence on how to deliver models that provide service delivery to smallholder far

Chapter four of the Global Nutrition Report looks at diets as both a cause and a solution to malnutrition.

This 21-page briefing by Society Works summarizes information on 152 social entrepreneurs working on food production, manufacturing, distribution,
Written evidence submitted by Farm Africa and Self Help Africa on December 2012 to the U.K International Development Committee.

Evidence from the Transform Nutrition Research consortium led by the International Food Policy Research Institute focusing on how to transform the
The Micronutrient Forum is a convener of academics, policy makers, and program implementers.
In this synopsis - aimed at business leaders, governments and implementing agencies - IFPRI and Nourishing Millions provide recommendations on how
In 2015 the Nourishing Millions project reviewed literature and case studies to show the evolution of nutrition during the past 50 years.