The FAO Action Plan outlines the organization’s strategy for addressing climate change through sustainable food systems and resilient agricultural
Other content with the tag "Climate-smart agriculture".
This advocacy report discusses green growth strategies for food systems transformation in the Mediterranean, highlighting challenges like climate c

This endline survey report evaluates the impact of the Food and Nutrition Security Resilience Programme (FNS-REPRO) in Somaliland, a USD 28 million

This FAO policy report explores the potential impact of different policy interventions on Indonesia’s agrifood systems, using economic and environm

This FAO-led project, funded by the Global Environment Facility, aimed to strengthen climate resilience in Angola’s agricultural sector.

FAO supported the Food Security and Agriculture Productivity Project (FSAPP) in Bhutan, strengthening rural livelihoods through climate-smart agric

This FAO-Green Climate Fund (GCF) initiative supports climate adaptation in Kenya’s Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB).

The report outlines FAO’s climate change strategy (2022–2031), emphasizing climate-resilient agrifood systems.

Soybeans are a vital crop for smallholder farmers in Ghana, offering economic benefits, protein for human and livestock consumption, and soil ferti

This study explores minimum tillage (MT) as a climate-smart agricultural practice, particularly in Ghana.

DELIVER Nigeria is a three-year project (July 2024 - June 2027) aimed at improving the livelihoods of smallholder vegetable farmers in Kaduna and K

This study evaluates the welfare impacts of adopting Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) among 386 households in Zimbabwe using an endogenous switching

This systematic review evaluates government policies aimed at promoting sustainable crop production in Botswana amidst climate change challenges.