This research paper examines the dynamics of traditional food markets in Nigeria, focusing on how interactions between vendors and consumers shape
Other content with the tag "Consumer behavior".

The report details the EatSafe initiative in Ethiopia, supported by Feed the Future, which aims to enhance food safety in traditional markets.

This baseline assessment examines food safety behaviors and knowledge among consumers and vendors in Ethiopia’s traditional markets.

This Feed the Future (FTF) EatSafe brief introduces a Rapid Market Assessment Tool designed to help evaluate food safety conditions in traditional

This Feed the Future (FTF) EatSafe report presents evidence-based insights on engaging consumers and market actors to improve food safety in tradit
This USAID Feed the Future EatSafe Report provides a framework for improving food safety in traditional markets in Nigeria and Ethiopia.

This GAIN-led initiative aims to increase vegetable consumption among urban and peri-urban populations in Kenya.

This review explores the rise of clean-label products emphasizing simple, natural ingredients and minimal processing.

This study examines the factors influencing young consumers in South Africa to adopt plant-based lifestyles.

This study analyzes the factors influencing food waste behaviors among consumers in China, where food loss and waste have significant implications

This study evaluates whether plant-based diets are more expensive than omnivorous diets among consumers in Portugal.

This mega-analysis investigates whether altering the availability of healthier versus less-healthy food options affects consumer choice differently

This cross-sectional study by Yichen Zhong and colleagues analyzes the relationship between price promotions on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) an
The paper "Food policies: balancing health and market in the era of ubiquitous ultra-processed foods" by Fabrizio Ferretti and Giulio Malorgio expl

This study examines how the entertainment, informativeness, and socializing gratifications from Nutrition Instagrammers' content influence consumer

This study aimed to evaluate the market opportunity for AP in LMICs by evaluating current global AP market trends, the factors influencing consumer

Menu energy labelling has been implemented as a public health policy to promote healthier dietary choices and reduce obesity.

Studying consumer behaviour towards food and nutrition labelling (F&NL) is increasingly becoming important across the world.

Unlike conventional foods, supplemented foods are prepackaged foods containing one or more added supplemental ingredients, such as vitamins, minera

In this issue of we focused on the resilience of food systems through science and innovation featuring topics like:

In this December issue of Nutrition Connect's Newsletter, we reflected on the the strides that we have made over the past couple of months on this