Other content with the tag "Consumer behavior".

February 7, 2024

This study aimed to evaluate the market opportunity for AP in LMICs by evaluating current global AP market trends, the factors influencing consumer

October 2, 2023

Menu energy labelling has been implemented as a public health policy to promote healthier dietary choices and reduce obesity.

August 30, 2023

Studying consumer behaviour towards food and nutrition labelling (F&NL) is increasingly becoming important across the world.

August 30, 2023

Unlike conventional foods, supplemented foods are prepackaged foods containing one or more added supplemental ingredients, such as vitamins, minera

February 13, 2023

In this issue of we focused on the resilience of food systems through science and innovation featuring topics like:

January 4, 2023

In this December issue of Nutrition Connect's Newsletter,  we reflected on the the strides that we have made over the past couple of months on this

November 23, 2022

The Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition, commissioned this Foresight report in 2015 to t