Leveraging Consumer Demand to Drive Food Safety Improvements in Traditional Markets: FTF EatSafe’s Research & Implementation Results

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
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This Feed the Future (FTF) EatSafe report presents evidence-based insights on engaging consumers and market actors to improve food safety in traditional markets. The initiative focused on consumer-centered food safety interventions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

Key insights:

Traditional markets are central to food systems, yet they remain under-regulated and prone to food safety risks.
Consumer behavior and vendor practices were assessed to identify food safety gaps.
A "Three-Legged Stool" framework was used, emphasizing:
Behavioral change incentives for vendors and consumers.
Adoption of best food safety practices and affordable technologies.
Improvement of market infrastructure, policies, and governance.
Programs in Nigeria and Ethiopia implemented vendor training, consumer awareness campaigns, and improved market conditions.
Key recommendations include policy support, infrastructure investment, and demand-driven interventions for sustainable food safety improvements.