This study examines the prevalence of Vitamin B12 deficiency among newly arrived refugees in Australia.
Other content with the tag "Australia".
This study investigates the Australian population's knowledge and behaviors regarding health literacy and preventive health focus areas outlined in
This study, conducted by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), reviews regulations to control Shiga toxin-producing E.
This article discusses Australia’s approach to evaluating the risk of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in imported beef products.
Authored by Amanda Grech, Eloise Howse, and Sinead Boylan, this review examines governance strategies that support sustainable food systems across
The paper "A mixed-methods study to determine the impact of COVID-19 on food security, food access and supply in regional Australia," by Stephanie

In his book Doing Well by Doing Good, Derek Tribe made the case for investing in agricultural research in our developing country neighbours.

In this second report of the FABLE Consortium, country teams present 20 national pathways towards sustainable land-use and food systems.

The Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, LandUse, and Energy (FABLE) Consortium is a knowledge network of research
Realising the potential of workplaces to prevent and control NCDs: How public policy can encourage businesses and governments to work toget
This report from FAO and the Food Climate Research Network looks at national dietary guidelines as a practical intervention to improve nutrition an