This report examines malnutrition among adolescent girls and pregnant women in Indonesia, finding high rates of anemia, stunting, and micronutrient
Other content with the tag "Indonesia".
This study evaluates the effectiveness of the Positive Deviance/Hearth (PD/Hearth) intervention, a community-based nutrition program implemented by
The article "Impact of Nutritional Interventions and Antenatal Care on Stunting in Indonesia: A Systematic Review" analyzes the effectiveness of nu
The article titled "Empowering Communities through Culinary Innovation: Enhancing Nutritional Status in Toddlers with Tempe-Based Supplementary Foo
The article titled "Empowering Communities through Culinary Innovation: Enhancing Nutritional Status in Toddlers with Tempe-Based Supplementary Foo

According to the data of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) of the Republic of Indonesia, in 2018, as much as 44% of waste generation

Indonesia is home to approximately 2.2 million severely wasted (weight-for-height zscore < -3) children under five years of age (Ministry of Hea

In 2014, the National Ministry of Health of Indonesia requested GAIN to support the district governments of Malang and Sidoarjo in East Java Provin

In this second report of the FABLE Consortium, country teams present 20 national pathways towards sustainable land-use and food systems.

The Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, LandUse, and Energy (FABLE) Consortium is a knowledge network of research

The impact of public private partnerships in food fortification are often restricted by economic, social, technical, and regulatory cha
This paper by IDH – Sustainable Trade Initiative gives extensive evidence on how to deliver models that provide service delivery to smallholder far
In this supplement issue of Maternal & Child Nutrition, Helen Keller International (HKI) authors have writte
Restricted access paper looking at the role for public private partnerships in making agriculture value chains work for smallholder farmers, based
Partnership between Unilever, DSM, Gain, Mondelez, U.N.

Base of the pyramid typically refers to the largest and poorest socio-economic grouping, and it is estimated that people in this ‘category’ spend u

This 21-page briefing by Society Works summarizes information on 152 social entrepreneurs working on food production, manufacturing, distribution,

Covers a checklist for formal public private partnerships spanning: rationale, design, implementation, sustainability, and the roles for brokers at
Health gossip is rife in Indonesia.

This snapshot reports sets out the work of GAIN’s partners to employ food fortification as one way to improve
Written by world renowned economists, this paper highlights the cost efficiency of select nutrition interventions and ranks fortification among the