This study investigates how nutritional knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) and kitchen characteristics affect women's dietary quality in Eth
Other content with the tag "dietary diversity".
This GAIN and Ethical Tea Partnership initiative targeted tea estate workers in Assam, India, aiming to improve dietary diversity and nutrition awa
This report evaluates the impact of a nutrition-focused intervention in Kenyan tea-growing communities from 2020 to 2023, conducted by GAIN and the
This study investigates the prevalence and factors contributing to malnutrition among 2–5-year-old children in eight food-insecure provinces of Ira
This study explores the relationship between poverty alleviation and food security among 407 rural Vietnamese households from 2016 to 2018.
This cross-sectional study identifies inadequate consumption of vitamin A-rich foods among lactating mothers in Ethiopia, with 88.5% of participant
This cross-sectional study investigates dietary diversity and anaemia prevalence among school-going adolescents in Uganda’s Acholi sub-region.
This study evaluates the impact of micronutrient powder (MNP) supplements and nutrition education on growth and feeding practices in children aged
Summary: This research standardizes and evaluates instant upma mixes made from minor millets (proso, barnyard, little, and kodo).
The study explores how risk and time preferences influence dietary diversity among rural rice farmers in Madagascar.
Summary: This review highlights the nutritional, economic, and environmental benefits of cultivating underutilized vegetables like Athalakkai, Chow
This study examines the impact of women’s empowerment on dietary diversity and child nutritional outcomes in Odisha, India.