Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) India Index 2023

Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI)
Resource type:
Reports and discussion papers

The India Index 2023 shows the current state of play of food & beverage companies' contributions to diets and the food environment in India.

Sales of packaged food and beverages in India have surged by 15% year-on-year since 2011, outperforming total sales of food. Meanwhile sales of highly processed foods typically high in fat, salt or sugar (HFSS) are projected to double by 2030. Amid these trends, India is witnessing its highest levels of micronutrient deficiencies and obesity.

ATNI’s analysis of the healthiness of 20 of the country’s largest F&B manufacturers’ products shows there have been incremental improvements since its first analysis in 2016. These trends stress the urgency, opportunity and responsibility for food companies, investors and public health and food authorities in India to ensure processed packaged foods meet healthiness standards. Doing so would enable consumers to follow dietary guidelines and eat better while simultaneously preventing millions of cases of obesity and micronutrient deficiency.

Learn about the Indian Context ,  Executive Summary. Read the Report


Photo by Alin Andersen on Unsplash