This study evaluates the bacteriological quality of locally produced beverages (kunu, zobo, tiger-nut, and pineapple drinks) sold in Calabar, Niger
Other content with the tag "Hygiene practices".
This study evaluates the microbial safety of ready-to-eat fruits from six markets in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
This study evaluates food safety practices among 30 handlers of Kachumbari, a raw vegetable salad, in Mwanza City, Tanzania.
This study assesses the microbiological safety and hygienic practices of street-vended fruit salads in Morogoro, Tanzania.
This report summarizes the first French-speaking conference on Good Hygiene Practices to Ensure Food Safety, held virtually in May 2022.
This cross-sectional study assesses knowledge, attitudes, and food safety practices (KAP) among 407 university students in the Kilimanjaro region o
This study highlights the low levels of food safety knowledge and poor hygiene practices among street food vendors in Dhaka, Bangladesh, with only