This study investigates how dietary quality impacts vaginal microbiome composition during pregnancy in a diverse cohort in Hawai’i.
Other content with the tag "Diet Quality".

This study assessed diet quality and adherence to national dietary guidelines among children and adolescents in five Mediterranean countries.

This study explores diet quality and adherence to the Mediterranean diet among elderly residents in food deserts in Aragón, Spain.

This study investigates the relationship between food environments and diet quality among vendors and consumers in five traditional urban markets i

This study introduces the Penn Healthy Diet (PHD) screener, a user-friendly tool for assessing diet quality in clinical settings.

This study assesses the validity and reliability of the Sustainable HEalthy Diet (SHED) index in Turkish adults.

This review explores the profound effects of climate change on global food systems and their implications for diet quality, nutrition, and health.

This case series investigates nutrition assessment methods in transgender men, addressing unique needs such as dietary intake, obesity risks, and t

This study explores the correlation between adherence to the New Nordic Diet (NND) and overall diet quality.

This study aimed to develop and evaluate the Meal and Snack Assessment (MESA) quality scale to measure meal quality in schoolchildren based on food

The paper "Healthy diets can create environmental trade-offs, depending on how diet quality is measured," by Zach Conrad, Nicole Tichenor Blackston

The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests implementation of policies to restrict marketing of foods high in saturated fatty acids, trans-fatty a

A sustainable food system is a system that delivers food security and nutrition for all in such a way that the economic, social and environmental b

Unhealthy diets are a leading risk factor for non-communicable diseases and negatively impact environmental sustainability.

The '2022 Global Nutrition Report: Stronger commitments for greater action’ sets out the role of accountability and its a

The Biden-Harris Administration envisions an America where no one wonders whether they will have enough money to put food on the table, where the h

In Ethiopia, undernutrition remains a critical issue with current national estimates suggesting that the prevalence of stunting (36.8%), underweigh

Indonesia is home to approximately 2.2 million severely wasted (weight-for-height zscore < -3) children under five years of age (Ministry of Hea

Food reformulation is the process of altering the processing or composition of a food or beverage product, to improve its nutritional profile or to

Food systems and supplies are transforming into a global industrial system, with corresponding changes in the production, distribution, and consump

The significance of industrial processing, and in particular techniques and ingredients developed or created by modern food science and technology,

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022 has been prepared by the FAO Agrifood Economics Divi

The Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition, commissioned this Foresight report in 2015 to t

Assessing positive and negative features of diets is key to understanding the causes of poor health and nutriti

"Ending poor diets and malnutrition in all its forms is a goal that is intrinsically linked with some of the world’s most pressing chal

Over half the global population spends one third of their adult life at work, and a third of the global population also suffers from some f