We are bringing together news and resources related to the risks, responses and impact of COVID-19 on food systems and nutrition.
COVID-19 blog series: Opportunities for building back better food systems and nutrition
Lawrence Haddad, Jess Fanzo and Corinna Hawkes are curating this blog series to shine a light on the threats and opportunities for nutrition and food systems.
In this blog, Mike Nkhombo Khunga - a Global Youth Advocate for Nutrition and the vice chair of the UN Food System Summit Action Track 5 - sets out ways that youth are already making a difference for nutrition in response to COVID-19 and beyond, calling for us to all create space for youth in local, national and global dialogues around food systems transformation...
In this blog, the authors give us a glimpse into the No Regrets project, which looks at more than 200 recommendations from 12 reports to identify a short list of food systems actions that need to be taken to improve diets across all dimensions of food systems, and will be an important component of building back better in the face of COVID-19...
In this blog, Peiman Milani and Daniel Skavén Ruben of the Rockefeller Foundation highlight how COVID-19 fast-tracks much of the morbidity and mortality that is typically brought about in slow motion by poor-quality diets and provide examples of government-led actions to promote healthy, protective diets.
In this blog, Inge Kauer, Executive Director of the Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI), highlights action areas for businesses to make positive changes for better nutrition and more healthy, equitable and sustainable food systems. These action areas are based on trends that emerged in initial research from ATNI's COVID-19 project which tracks action (and inaction) by food and beverage manufacturers in response to the pandemic...
News, views and reflections
This piece looks at how COVID-19 has impacted the food system in the U.K., particularly the challenges and responses that have arisen as a result of increased need for food assistance, and how public and private sectors have the opportunity to work together to create a more equitable food system...
This WSJ article, written by authors in Islamabad, Pakistan, São Paulo and Kampala, Uganda highlight how rising food prices are impacting people around the world, with many causes linked to COVID-19...
Supermarket chains are investing in virtual and in-person nutrition education to reverse unhealthy eating habits—and to keep shoppers coming back as lockdowns end...
This article provides a helpful overview of IFPRI's 2021 Global Food Policy Report, including how to create an ideal food system that is efficient; contributes to global health; inclusive of smallholder farmers and other marginalized groups; environmentally sustainable; and resilient to more frequent shocks...
Initiatives and responses
GAIN has developed the Keeping Food Markets Working (KFMW) programme as an emergency response to the COVID-19 crisis, providing rapid support to food system workers, to small and medium enterprises supplying nutritious foods and to keeping fresh food markets open. The KFMW programme is focused on mitigating these risks and keeping affordable nutritious foods flowing in African and Asian markets to the people who most need it.
FAO launched a new comprehensive COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme, aimed at preventing a global food emergency during and after the COVID-19 pandemic while working on medium to long-term development response for food security and nutrition.
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and partners are collaborating to identify priority steps for enhancing food systems’ resilience in low and middle income countries. This work includes COVID-19 Food System Rapid Country Assessments, as well as Rapid Assessments for the seed sector...
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBSCD) is pulling together announcements and responses to highlight how its members are taking extra actions in amidst COVID-19.
This FAO-led literature review explores how city region food systems (CRFS) can enhance resilience to shocks such as pandemics, climate disasters,
This hub "aims to be a resource for all members of the SUN Movement to get informed about COVID-19 developments, at large.
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) has created a dedicated page with resources related to the impact of COVI
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has put together a helpful list of FAQs and responses on COVID-19.