Towards the 2030 Food Waste Commitment: CGF Food Waste Coalition Baseline Report

The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) Food Waste Coalition of Action
Resource type:
Reports and discussion papers

This report presents operational food surplus and waste data from the CGF’s Food Waste Coalition members. It also presents a summary of the action that businesses are taking to set a food waste reduction target, work with their suppliers, and support their customers to reduce food waste. The baseline year, 2021 (i.e., the first reporting year for the Coalition), will act as the starting point for the Coalition, with all subsequent years of reporting being measured against data from the year 2021. This will help to track the Coalition’s overall progress over time, measured against the agreement’s food waste reduction targets (i.e., to halve food waste within the operations of its members by 2030). All results are presented in an aggregated form, to represent the baseline for the Coalition as a whole. 

Photo by dylan nolte on Unsplash