Improving complementary feeding: assessing public and private sector business models

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
Resource type:
Advocacy and policy

This paper forms the first part of a series of three papers exploring the enabling environment, business models, and behaviour change components of GAIN’s Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) portfolio.

This paper examines lessons on business models for improved access of product-based options to improve complementary feeding, through market-based or public service delivery. It describes what was learned regarding public and private sector business models for nutritious foods targeting families in low-income settings. GAIN sought to understand and overcome barriers to availability, accessibility, affordability, and use of high quality complementary foods, exploring the potential role of the private sector to help improve infant and young child nutrition.

The findings are summarised in six key lessons that should be considered by anyone seeking to generate a successful social business model that catalyses the market to support improved infant feeding. The lessons are based on the experience and analysis of all GAIN projects in the Infant and Young Child Nutrition (IYCN) portfolio.

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