Food Systems and Diets: a handbook of essential policies

Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition (GLOPAN)
Resource type:
Case studies and tools

Food Systems and Diets: a handbook of essential policies is an accumulation of the Global Panel’s policy briefs to date and aims to provide a body of knowledge on how food systems can be transformed so they are more sustainable and provide the foods that promote healthier diets, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

Produced as an interactive PDF, the Handbook provides in one place key facts, practical policy examples and recommendations across the entire food system, covering issues such as trade, urbanisation, the private sector, consumer demand, food environments, economics and price volatility, food safety, aquaculture, school meals, data, biofortification, fragile contexts, food loss and waste, and climate change.

The Handbook is aimed primarily at policymakers looking for solutions to transform their food systems, so they deliver foods that are healthier, more affordable and available in a manner that better nurtures the natural environment. However, it is also a valuable reference source for technical experts in government, non-government organisations, civil society and the private sector, students, and academics.

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