Food waste management during the COVID-19 outbreak: A holistic climate, economic and nutritional approach

R. Aldacoa, D. Hoehna, J. Lasoa, M. Margalloa, J. Ruiz-Salmóna, J. Cristobala, R. Kahhatb, P. Villanueva-Reyc, A. Balad, L. Batlle-Bayerd, P. Fullana-i-Palmerd, A. Irabiena, and I. Vazquez-Roweb
Science of The Total Environment journal

The pandemic is changing our eating habits and highlighting the necessity of better food waste and loss management. This article looks at changes in household consumption in Spain, as a disruption of changes to lifestyles and changes to the Spanish supply chains in terms of food loss and waste. The literature review is comprehensive and cites recent evidence on the impact of the pandemic, including predictions by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation that the cost of a healthy lifestyle may rise. It also evaluates food waste disposal options from a global warming and resource recovery perspective. Page five gives an overview of food loss and waste management, from landfills to composting to anaerobic digestion.  Findings suggest that there while there is an increase in household food waste in Spain, a reduction in commercial and industry waste means that the overall food loss and waste for the country is similar to 2019.  The study is different to others because it has econometric models for waste management. It demonstrates the need for concerted efforts from public and private engagement to improve household responsible consumption.

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