Nutrition Connect Newsletter: August 2023

Nutrition Connect
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The recently concluded UN Food Systems Summit+ 2 Stocktaking Moment  (UNFSS+2) provided us all with moments of reflection on the great call we have as food systems practitioners and academics. 
Take a moment to reflect on these numbers from the Financing Food Systems Transformation Session

  • Our current global food systems is worth over USD 10 Trillion annually.

  • USD 400 Billion is required in additional annual investments  until 2030 to transition to sustainable global food systems. 

  • The agriculture sector, which attracts over USD 700 billion a year globally in total government subsidies.

  • USD 12 Trillion per year is environmental, social and economic cost of our inaction.

In the same vein, we were also presented with the fact that  the Gender Nutrition Gap is significant and worsening: 1 in 3 non-pregnant women and adolescent girls is anaemic, and this statistic has remained unchanged for two decades. The key to progress lies in collaboration between the public and private sectors. By ensuring food and nutrition security, and closing the data gaps on women's nutrition (especially diet quality), we can make a substantial difference.  Time and finance are of the essence. 


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