Value Chain Analysis in India to Identify Nutrition-Sensitive Interventions for Improved Maternal Diets in India

Sarah Kehoe, LANSA
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The research brief "Value Chain Analysis in India to Identify Nutrition-Sensitive Interventions for Improved Maternal Diets in India" focuses on understanding the role of value chains in improving maternal diets in rural India. The study highlights micronutrient insufficiencies as a significant public health issue for women of reproductive age in low- and middle-income countries, including India. By analyzing value chains for fruits and vegetables, the research identifies economic, social, and cultural constraints affecting the supply and consumption of nutritious foods. The study also outlines the challenges faced by farmers, wholesalers, and vendors in the value chain and suggests interventions to enhance maternal diet quality, such as changing perceptions of indigenous vegetables and improving infrastructure for storage and distribution.

Source: Canva