Health Profile of Pediatric Special Immigrant Visa Holders Arriving from Iraq and Afghanistan to the United States, 2009–2017

Simone S. Wien, Gayathri S. Kumar, Oleg O. Bilukha, Walid Slim, Heather M. Burke, Emily S. Jentes
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This article examines the health conditions of pediatric Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders from Iraq and Afghanistan upon arrival in the U.S. Analyzing 15,729 medical records, the study found that fewer than 1% of children had abnormal tuberculosis tests, 4% had vision abnormalities, and 0.3% had seizure disorders. Afghan children had lower height-for-age z-scores compared to Iraqis, indicating higher malnutrition rates.

The study underscores the importance of comprehensive medical screenings for SIV children and improving health services for immigrant populations. It recommends stricter adherence to CDC guidelines for refugee health screenings, particularly for tuberculosis and malnutrition.

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