2020 N4G Commitment Making Guide

Nutrition for Growth (N4G)
Resource type:
Advocacy and policy

The global nutrition community have come together to consolidate what investment in nutrition looks like. Prior to COVID-19, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics were intended as a galvanising moment for nutrition in light of the ten year expiry date of the Sustainable Development Goals. This is an excellent resource to get an eye into where solutions for nutrition are needed and the types of action that can be scaled by different actors in all contexts across the world. The Commitment Guide focuses on priority areas to galvanise greater investment in nutrition: integrating nutrition into universal health coverage, transforming food systems to promote safe, sustainable and healthy foods for people and planet, innovative financing and effectively addressing malnutrition in fragile and conflict affected contexts ahead of a world Summit at the end of 2020. While the Tokyo 2020 Summit has been postponed due to COVID-19 there will be another moment for nutrition on the horizon that brings the world closer to financing the WHA Nutrition targets and SDGs. The global nutrition community is working to ensure that momentum is not lost.

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