2018 Global Nutrition Report

Global Nutrition Report
Resource type:
Peer review


The 2018 Global Nutrition Report shares insights into the current state of global nutrition, identifying areas where progress has been made, and puts forward five steps that are needed to speed up progress. Actors from business, government, civil society and academia can find the latest data and analysis on malnutrition here to help identify best opportunities to work together for improving nutrition. In this report, the authors identify three critical areas for addressing malnutrition globally: the need to improve the prevalence data on micronutrient deficiencies, to take a new approach to addressing malnutrition in all its forms during crises, and to build on the emerging focus on malnutrition among adolescents.The report also provides data and meta data used to compile the report, as well as tracking on nutrition commitments at the global and country level. 

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