Amid escalating challenges driving a poverty tsunami and threatening the SDGs, join the Business Fights Poverty Summit 2023, with GAIN's Nutrition Connect and Innovative Food Systems Solutions (IFSS) Portal and Glocolearning, to explore the critical role of business in sustainable development.

The workshop brought together business leaders, advocates, academics, and other key stakeholders to share and explore what they believe to be the key trends, challenges, and opportunities to enable businesses and government alike to meaningfully fight multidimensional poverty by building robust food systems.
Our Focus
The workshop invited private and public sector actors to join forces to co-learn, co-create, and collaborate around the question : Looking back from the future: How can public-private partnerships contribute to healthy and sustainable diets?
See post-workshop : Video recordings & Insights summary webpage
Healthy and sustainable diets are a critical entry point for resilience and fighting poverty. Diets are also of particular importance to both the public and private sector. They are a basis of well-being and a healthy workforce and require a diversity of products that all humans consume.
Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) for instance, provide country-specific guidance, including cultural considerations and preferences, on what constitutes a healthy diet by communicating simple, context-specific and population-specific messages. However, it is unclear how these government-endorsed guidelines influence consumer behavior and what the role of businesses is in the implementation of the FBDGs to improve adherence to dietary recommendations and related environmental sustainability.
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) can serve as a critical opportunity both for businesses and the public sector to implement and advance FBDGs for healthy and sustainable diets, but also come with certain risks, tensions, and complexities.
This 90 minute workshop stimulated co-learning & co-creation on key attributes/essential elements and innovations in PPPs both from the business and public sector perspective, to contribute to healthy and sustainable diets, particularly of poor population groups.
The virtual session gave participants the chance to:
- Discover latest insights from real-world examples of businesses taking SDGs action to help you scale impact of your own efforts in the context of food systems strengthening.
- Reflect on the role public private partnerships in catalysing system-level change amidst unprecedented challenges of the global polycrisis.
- Experience joint visioning and ‘backcasting’ as a forward-looking methodology to support cross-sectoral systems thinking in public-private sector interactions and partnerships
- Access the latest insights and approaches regarding collaborative initiatives' and pinpoint new linkages to advance your own partnerships' effectiveness.
Panelists :
- Dr Alok Ranjan, Director of Programmes and Investments, The Power of Nutrition
- Pamela Fernandes,OGW, CEO, Cereal Millers Association Kenya
- Tara Shyam, Associate Director, Food Systems Partnerships, The Global Food Banking Network
- Manasseh Miruka, Cluster Lead, Nutrition Enterprise Unit (NEU), Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
Lead Facilitators :
- Roseline Remans, CEO, Glocolearning; Honorary Research Fellow, Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT (CGIAR)
- Heather Zornetzer, Sustainable Food Systems Researcher, IFSS portal
- Tesfaye Hailu Bekele, Sustainable Diets Researcher, Wageningen University and Research & Glocolearning
- Francoise Cattaneo, Sustainable Food Systems Researcher, Glocolearning, Wageningen University & Research
- Silvia Martinez, Intern and Student, Glocolearning and Wageningen University & Research
- Charlotte Pedersen, Lead, Innovations for Health and the Plant, GAIN
- Debjani Samantaray, Knowledge Mobilization Manager, Nutrition Connect, GAIN
- Lilian Nyamongo, Associate, Nutrition Connect, GAIN
- Oliver Camp, Sr. Associate, Nature Positive Actions for Healthy Diets, GAIN
Access the Post- Workshop Tools available here :