Better business reporting for better commitments on nutrition

2021 will see the organisation of the United Nations Food Systems Summit, the COP26 and Nutrition for Growth. These summits are real opportunities to improve food systems and to ensure that the private sector plays its part in reaching nutrition-related global goals.

This blog on SDG2 Advocacy Hub highlights the importance of tracking business commitments for nutrition at three upcoming global summits: United Nations Food Systems Summit, the COP26 and Nutrition for Growth. To be meaningful and effective, these commitments must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely) and complementary. And using a limited number of frameworks and methodologies to assess business impact will contribute to this goal.

Based on work carried out between 2018 and 2021, this article makes recommendations for a streamlined approach to addressing and tracking action in six nutrition related categories: product (re)formulation, marketing to children, food labelling, food loss and waste, food safety and workforce nutrition. 

Read the blog: Better business reporting for better commitments on nutrition.